Benjamin Fulford 5-8-12…"The White Dragon Roars, Europe Rattles. Plus: inside report on secret financial deals"

My only “add-on” to this is that Benjamin has confirmed that “the Drake” is real, more precisely, “Neil Keenan confirms that Drake is a genuine US military person authorized to speak within limited parameters.” That is my “add-on” for today. Read on.
[KP note: In this post from 5-5-12, I noted that from now on I will be posting only the text that appears on the front page of Ben’s Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis, with highlights from the full article. To see how to subscribe to Ben’s Weekly Updates, and get the full text, please go to the bottom of this post.]

  • The elections last weekend in Europe showed the inevitable popular backlash against government mandated austerity.
  • When the new financial system starts up and the criminals are removed from the core of the Western financial system, then money will pour like rain on Europe…
  • The basic outlines of the new system are as follows: The US dollars owned by people outside of the US (and those created before 2008 in the US) will be backed by gold and a basket of commodities and other currencies.
  • The Euro will be split into a fortified Deutschemark shared by Northern countries… Mediterranean countries will revert to their traditional currencies…
  • This will be followed by a one off massive debt write off.
  • …new system involve a reunion between some old shady business partners: the CIA and their Asian secret society counterparts…
  • This will provide for the continued financing of the military industrial secret society complex until they are able to restructure their organizations so they are once again self-financed.
  • The condition attached is an agreement to participate in a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and free the suppressed technology.
  • The old world order folk, for their part are once again resorting to terrorist blackmail.
  • The cabalists were… hoping to open a new world financial nexus in a special zone being constructed near Pusan, Korea.
  • The increased radiation hype and fear mongering is also being orchestrated by the old world order.
  • …this dangerous cabal is not going to go quietly into the night and we would like to ask the US armed forces… to round up the known cabalists… before they carry out any more mass murder.
  • Chinese agents linked to Bo Xilai approached this writer in February… to start a joint venture… to install… combination solar and wind power generators on roof-tops throughout Japan.
  • This venture would… have been able to directly fight against the cabal’s control of the global energy business… the deal was off because of Bo Xilai’s arrest… My best guess is that Bo Xilai was linked to a Rothschild faction…
  • It is also worth repeating here that this writer is in no way a Rothschild agent.
  • What needs to be seen in the coming weeks is if the US military and agencies are really the good guys who are ready to resume their role as super heroes and protectors of the planet earth.
  • There is a fellow by the name of Drake… promising pentagon action and mass arrests in June. Neil Keenan confirms that Drake is a genuine US military person authorized to speak within limited parameters.
  • …they need to force the corporate media to start reporting the truth and… suspend from office all politicians who have been bribed by the cabal…


The White Dragon Roars, Europe Rattles. Plus: inside report on secret financial deals
by Benjamin Fulford, May 8, 2012
The elections last weekend in Europe showed the inevitable popular backlash against government mandated austerity. The problem is that the new governments will also find their purses empty unless they start talking with the White Dragon Society. This time, they need to send official embassy representatives with valid IDs and not another batch of anonymous agents. When the new financial system starts up and the criminals are removed from the core of the Western financial system, then money will pour like rain on Europe (it already is in the non-cabal controlled part of the world).
The basic outlines of the new system are as follows: The US dollars owned by people outside of the US (and those created before 2008 in the US) will be backed by gold and a basket of commodities and other currencies. This will then become the international dollar (or perhaps international yen or yuan) and be used to facilitate world trade. The Euro will be split into a fortified Deutschemark shared by Northern countries while the Mediterranean countries will revert to their traditional currencies and devalue them until their real economies are competitive enough. This will be followed by a one off massive debt write off.
To read about the back-room maneuvers leading to the birth of the new financial system please help finance our investigations by subscribing to this newsletter or else, if you cannot afford it, ask a friend to e-mail you a copy.
Read more at Ben’s site


[A subscription to Ben’s full articles is only $8 per month (“Payments can… be made with a ‘PayPal’ [account]”), but Ben will allow anyone who can not pay this to subscribe for less (or free). On one page of his site he says, “All subscribers will agree to pay whatever monthly subscription price they can afford. Those who are really poor can get it for free.”
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