Updates from David Wilcock… Synchronicities, A Few "Hits", and My Comments…

David has posted several updates to his recent article and provided more information since it came out on 9-5 (link to David’s article on this blog). Oftentimes this happens with David’s articles, that much interesting info is added as updates, so I find it’s good to go back every so often and check for those.
Now even when I read the original article, and later noticed his immediate updates, I did not remember these parts, or at least they hit nothing in me. Here’s what I found though that recently really “hit” home. All these are from the updates portion of David’s article. I post only what “hit”. [note 1: “SFI” = Source Field Investigations; note 2: most of the links and photos are one’s I have inserted]


David writes:
…on the exact day SFI came out [8-23], you had the longest-standing dictatorship on Earth get overthrown, with rebels storming into the palace in Libya after a 43-year tyranny. Furthermore, ALSO on the exact same day SFI came out, a massive earthquake cracked the Washington Monument in the pyramidion — right where the Eye would be. Coincidence? or Source Field influence? I was absolutely stunned by these synchronicities. I never expected such “big stuff” to happen in the world, coinciding so precisely with the timing of the book’s release, down to the day.
The earthquake really shook up the East Coast — no doubt. The hurricane came within the same week and caused a great deal of fear…
Just when you thought this was strange enough, we also have to add in what Fulford has been saying about these two highly bizarre earthquakes — the first in Colorado [mag 5.3, depth 4 km (2.5 mi.)] and the second in Virginia [mag 5.8, depth 6 km (3.7 mi.)] , near Washington DC — on the very day SFI came out. Apparently, these were not just quakes — they were the next big step in what I’ve been calling China’s October Surprise [Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4]. That’s my own term for an ET-assisted military campaign to destroy highly classified technologies the Old World Order intended to use to create the “Alien 9/11″… to save their plans for world domination…
Things are getting very interesting now, and it appears the worldwide counter-insurgency against the Powers that Were is reaching critical mass
[From the 8-30-11 Ben report] “…multiple sources claim two of the underground cities, one near Washington D.C. and another near Denver, Colorado, were destroyed by nuclear weapons last week.Some sources, also connected to intelligence circles, however, deny that such an attack took place.

from August 23, 2011, earthquake

“Nevertheless, if the seismographic graph of the so-called earthquake that hit Washington D.C. last week is not a fake, then it appears that indeed a nuclear weapon was detonated at or near a known underground facility. Instead of showing a series of small quakes building up into a huge one as seen in natural quakes, the graph shows a sudden huge shake followed by smaller after-shocks typical of an explosion.

from March, 1991, Central VA Earthquake

“The message to the cabalists seems to be simple: ‘you will not be given access to your underground shelters while the rest of us die.'”
[From the 9-6-11 Ben report] “There has also been more confirmation from CIA and pentagon sources that there was indeed an attack on two major underground facilities controlled by the cabal in the US. The food, gold and weapons depot the cabal had near Washington D.C. was destroyed in an atomic blast, these sources now confirm.
“The nature of the second attack remains uncertain but two sources say it was the cabal’s underground facilities near Denver, Colorado that were destroyed. The people behind this attack have detailed maps of the US underground base and tunnel network and have promised more attacks if necessary to prevent the planned murder of 85% of humanity.


From Kauilapele:
Now as you may observe from the earthquakes seismograms, it does appear that the latest Virginia quake would more likely be due to a sudden intense shock (nuclear or other weapon could do that), rather than the typical pre-shock (P-wave) followed by the main shock (S-wave), as observed in earlier Virginia quakes.
The main point I see here, though, is that all of those who may doubt that anything at all positive is happening in this world should be heartened by what is being seen outwardly the last few weeks, and what people like David and Ben Fulford are reporting from their sources. This is not demonstrating the strengthening of “the cabal”, it is demonstrating its demise.
Perhaps the most significant thing that any of us can do now, is to hold all of what is occurring now in a positive Light. Namely, we ARE moving forward (not backward), we ARE headed up (not down). If anyone wishes to continue to maintain a “nose down” trim (airplane term) attitude, it will likely not help anything, and only bring “pain” of some kind to the holder.
To me, it’s a lot more fun knowing (and seeing) that we ARE going to be just fine. The intellect may not like it, but what does it know on the Higher Levels? Nada.
“Be of good cheer, I’ve heard it said, ‘Tis more fun to be alive, than lost in one’s head.” (author unknown (but there are suspects))

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