Thank you for your Comments on “So What the “Heaven” am I Doing Down Here”…

Updated 5-22-11…Two more added.

I wanted to express to all of you my gratitude for your sharings on the post I made last week, “So What the “Heaven” am I Doing Down Here“. Your comments were helpful to me to see we are all going through similar energetic “stuff”.

So I have posted all of them here, without names, so perhaps each of them could assist others, as they have me. (once again, here is a link to the original post, if you wish to see it again.


Thank you for this blog. I feel pretty much the same. I think its the Void 🙂 waiting fore the next step to unveil itelf.


Thank you for writing this as you have expressed my own inner and outer feelings in fine detail. I am grateful to know that I am not alone in these feelings. It’s actually a relief because I know that you know…from what you wrote. namaste and thank you again.


I am glad you publish this blog too. It’s a great resource for current messages. And I feel exactly the same way as you – physically and mentally. I am totally exhausted and fed up with “life on earth.” It’s really odd because I keep wondering why I think there is “someplace better.” The whole thing mostly just makes me angry all the time. On one level I keep waiting for all the “positive changes” that Salusa and others keep promising are coming “soon” – and then “soon” never comes. However, I am enough of a realist to neither count on any of those predictions nor even really believe them. Still, reading them can give one enough hope to at least get through one more day. Keep up the good work and know you aren’t alone in what you are feeling.


Still no break through, he? I assume the particular void the Hathors related to in their last message turned out not to manifest and we got the Bin Laden story instead of ET disclosure. Sucks!
Nevertheless ascension is going on – I know because of the symptoms, ugh. So one way or another we will get out of this mess.
I still cannot fathom that I agreed to this crap.
Be well.


Dear Kauilapele, You sound very tired and very alone. My heart goes out to you. I think you have already performed very great service, both with your blog, which I only recently became aware of, and the energetic work you have done in many of the powerful places on the earth. I especially am grateful for your work in the Ozarks, where I live, and the New Madrid fault. Perhaps that will mitigate the damage that has been directed there by those who do not love the earth. Another person I know of who is doing the same kind of work that you are has expressed many of the same sentiments; perhaps your work is largely done. Things certainly do seem to be coming to a head. Maybe it is now up to the Earthlings to take charge, and time for ET to phone home. We will see in the next year or so….
With much gratitude and many blessings,


Yes, with me it’s total boredom and lack of interest in anything. Not even lonely or alone and not caring. Just waiting, sort of.


I feel the same way you are not alone….some people try to label it as depression, laziness, or insanity but it is not…..Maybe a world filled with so much, is not enough anymore…and We are waiting for the next stage in our lives, the eternal life that is tired of being inprisoned by the low density…..Love the picture I would like to see the pyramids if nothing more in this life….:)


You have taken in much young Kauilapele…like the waters of the Tao.
I was reminded by your writing that I have been saying “I’m on the wrong planet” since before I can even remember…but obviously, this is the right planet. You have probably just become disappointed with humanity (as have I)…but what can we do?
I have found that I seek only to find myself…this means understanding that we are where we are supposed to be…that is why it is impossible to know before we awake that this is not a dream. Stay on the path…the answers are there…and the way can be known only by not seeking it.
Hang in there, brother. I check you out almost daily…and you are helping me do all that I stated above. Peace,


Been feeling for years now that I am bidding time and having to find ‘things to do’ or “busy work” as some would call it; “Waiting.” Waiting for what? Ok; the Ascension. Lately I catch myself thinking; “this is the strangest planet I have ever been on” and “human beings are so wierd.” As soon as these ‘Crystal and Indigo’ children are firmly connected into the matrix, it’s time to go. After a rest, a new assignment waits somewhere.


My dear friend, Kauila, this is my absolute favorite message you’ve ever written! Not only did it expose deep ‘innards’, but you expressed my sentiments exactly! The ‘calm before the storm’? Being ‘done’ here? Having ‘completed our mission’ and waiting for the next? We don’t have to try and figure it out. Enjoy the kitties and ‘BE’ for now. Much aloha,


Feel about the same Kauilapele….don’t even want to garden anymore….as Eva stated, Voidness and am not seeking any path as per Kwai Chang. There are places on the planet, however, that I would like to touch and love before next assignment.


thanks for sharing. Your blog is awesome however, the first place I look when I turn the computer on, so keep it up as long as you’re dwelling on the surface of this planet 🙂


In June of 2009 my zest for living was blown away like a feather on a breeze. I asked my soul to vacate this vehicle as I no longer felt comfortable here. I have called on my whole ‘team’ to assist me to leave. Using auto. writing and a pendulum I began quizzing the Light group about being ‘stuck’ in this body. Their response is aways, ‘be patient, you’ll be coming over’. My patience turned into emotional upheavels, anger and thoughts of leaving on my own accord. I reached for books, family, friends and memories to center myself. All of the years studying through teachers with Ascended Knowledge slipped away. My emotions still flow with less frequency, however, still causing a burning in my heart. I wrestled with the fact that my Light was needed to assist mother earth or my family needed me around. Still these benevolent gestures are not giving me inner sparkle. Reading many loving sites that offer us encouragement does not take away that emptiness either, it only is a filler to allow
time to move along every day. I changed my lifestyle from living in an active city community to a small studio in the middle of a peaceful wooded area in Oregon. Living with less, enjoying clean air and nature at her finest still hasn’t healed my heart.
It gives me serenity, reflection and inner contemplation of the many why’s I have. If moving into the higher dimension requires individual desire, then we cannot help others at this point as it would be interfering with their free-will. You, Kauilapele, and many others are on the threshhold of ‘between earth and home status’ waiting. It’s the waiting that has us all in a tizzy. Too bad there isn’t a ‘waiting island’ for those ready to leave to visit and discuss what great times we had here while sharing ideas of what new
adventure awaits us. Most humans are either struggling or too busy to realize what is truly happening and discussing how one feels with another is not feasible. That’s why you have this blog and we can all help each other. Mahalo for your honesty and please know we are riding this ‘wave’ together. Aloha.


Thank you for sharing..
we are here to create the new earth, bringing heaven on earth although it’s not easy, it’s becoming interesting, we are not here anymore in the world we knew, we are transforming as all is even in the cosmos.
Shamballa as other places (Paititi) were places to be in the light and that is where we are going to…just simply to be light and be in the light BUT…not only in our higher selves but our physical bodies, this is a gift and a surprise..enjoy!


Hang in there my FRIEND!
Now a days, your blog is “ONE” of the first things I read in the AM.
We are so close to the epilogue of this “GAME”.
“The MEEK shall INHERENT the EARTH!”


Hi SoulBrother,
I feel your pain because its the same thing I am going through. Also in this void, tired, alone, waiting and hoping to go Home soon. Woke up this morning feeling quite lifeless, no joy, no urge to do anything on this Earth anymore. Quite hard to stay patient and harder when the people around you have no idea what you are going thru.
But we are all where we should be. At least I have people on facebook and also you here to show me that we are all together in this.
Some part of me still wants to cling to the ‘old’, but the process of letting go is happening.
Very glad to have found your blog :))
Sending you Love and Light.


I so appreciate your blog and the way you feel along with the other posters. I have been struggling also with this feeling of being done here and lack of enjoyment for even figure skating at times in the last 8 months.
I re awoke again to my spiritual doings after a hard financial 10 years of being in survival. That period has ended and I did experience a lot. I started catch up on spiritual things and particularly anything 2012. I was really praying that it was true that we would make a quantum shift up in the blink of a eye. I always previously thought everything was moving up gradually and it would slowly be better by the time I check out of here. But reading since last fall that it might happen fast, that the feeling that I always try to create could be a reality in THIS lifetime ALL of the time was intoxicating.
I have been realizing that I have been waiting for this future for the last 8 months and looking at what is in front of me in depression. A few weeks ago I decided that I really do not know what will happen in 2012. It could be the shift or it could be like the people who waited yesterday for the world to end and nothing happened or it can be anything in-between.
I chose at some level to come here and I do not want to spend the remainder of that time in the state I was in. I knew I needed to put color back in my life and be present NOW and pull as much enjoyment from this ride as I can. Since coming to that I have felt better.
It is still a work in progress and on some days it is something to remind myself of
( my life partner helps me when I need it ) . Like today when I read everything, I started to cry and knew I was feeling that again on this gray morning. He struggles too sometimes and he helped remind me again ( which reminds him too 🙂 So now I enjoying my coffee on this beautiful gray day, listening to some good music and looking forward to reorganizing our home office.
Thank you so much Kauilapele for letting me share!

This entry was posted in apocalypse, ascension, chaos, energies, new energies, releasing, spiritual growth. Bookmark the permalink.

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