There is a Moment for Each of Us to Be Who We Are…

That should really be, “There are moments”, but that’s how the title came out.

I recently returned from a trip to the lower Midwest. Starting from Chicago, I drove through central Illinois, around St. Louis, through the southeastern tip of Missouri, across Arkansas, into the Toltec burial mounds, up north of Little Rock, into central Missouri, visited three reservoirs (NOT as a tourist), then across northern Missouri, once again around St. Louis, then through lower Illinois, visiting my mother’s father’s birth town, and finally up through Illinois to my parents town, west of Chicago. All in 5 days. It was great.

Even though it lasted 5 days, it was a moment; MY moment. I was following the Guidance received the month prior, that this was MY journey to carry out. And the Guidance was to do this with joy and passion. I was accomplishing this by doing what I have always loved to do…Drive!! I love to drive, and I love to drive by myself, following Guidance as we go.

I say, “We”, because I know I never travel alone. Guidance comes in a variety of ways, sometimes from nature, birds, trees, clouds, and often from a feeling or a sense of something “talking” to me. Usually I follow it, sometimes I wait awhile, sometimes I just enjoy it.

The greatest Guidance, sometimes, comes from wonderful friends of mine called “Mistakes”. I was on I-40 in Arkansas, and intending to stay on it, all the way to US Rte. 65, which would take me north to Missouri. Well, I eventually saw an exit sign that said “Toltec Mounds Archaeological State Park”. I knew that was why I was there, and where I was to go. So I drove there (just a few miles off I-40) and spent at least two hours there.

After I was finished, the park ranger showed me an Arkansas map, and pointed out where the park was located. It turns out, it was south of I-40. In fact I had been on I-440, which goes around Little Rock to the south. So here I was, off my intended path, in the place I needed to be, and directed to it by a “Mistake”.

I love Guidance like that. And we all have it. All we have to do is stay open to it and not block it with old ideas, or limited thinking, or stuck intentions. Many of you who read this understand what I mean. And many more are finding out about it.

Their own moments of opportunity, of callings for missions that only THEY can carry out, are right before them. And they are being presented with and discovering those “Moments to Be Who They Are”.

So let’s BE!!

This entry was posted in ascension, channeling, earth changes, energies, new energies, spiritual growth. Bookmark the permalink.

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