
Speaking with a local friend here at Brewalalai in Kona this morning, they mentioned that they had been feeling heart palpitations. Others I know have been experiencing various blood pressure challenges (mostly the high-end variety). Personally, I’ve also experienced palpitations, although more related to the financial areas in my life.

So what’s going on?

Well of course many experience various symptoms as we ascend the path of ascension. We ARE being rewired, so the old 3D-only wiring is being renovated. The 12D wiring is being em-placed (oh, I am not saying exactly how many D’s are involved, but there’s a lot of them…).

But the new wiring requires more than just a physical replacement-upgrade. It also requires clearing of all bodies, physical, etheric, astral, Gaia-ic, even galactic. Thus we may experience symptoms that are NOT solely ours (as individual human units) but are related to others (individuals, groups) as well.

So be not dismayed. Just release the old wiring system and allow the new one to “wire-in” (of course if guidance tells you to see a health practitioner, by all means, do). We ARE in the midst of a grand “wire-in” campaign!!

— posted from my iPhone with Blogpress

UbicaciĆ³n:Mamalahoa Hwy,South Kona,Estados Unidos

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