Tag Archives: Yellow Rose for Texas

From YFRT Facebook/OoTWx 3-28-15… "The 'Domed Flat Earth' Spaceship" [explaining all those YRFT words]"

Some who have viewed the infamous The Lie NASA Told video from Yellow Rose might appreciate this one. Particularly I found myself rather “pulled in” to the video here. Several terms are explained, and as I watched more and more, … Continue reading

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Are These Posts "Connected"? 1 of 2… YRFT 2-4-15… "Global Instant Rendezvous … from Ally and Rose : Our veil is being pulled off … 7 days, seems to be the time of end"

Alexandra commented on this, saying, “Just Another Point To Make….I never want to give out timing but I about leapt out of my seat when someone sent me this message today….I too, was told something significant was happening within 7 … Continue reading

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Finally… a Summary of [Why our Minds were Blown by] YFRT's "The Lie NASA Told"

[youtube=http://youtu.be/lVQ-CvWwMCQ&w=550] http://youtu.be/lVQ-CvWwMCQ Found this here. I actually watched this entire thing, and my way was to pause when each slide appeared, because there was no way I could read the whole slide in the short time it appeared. This goes … Continue reading

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OM UPDATE 1-23-15… "Essentially, our liberation is assured and at hand"

OM is somehow associated with Yellow Rose for Texas (YRFT). His work has been posted at this blog here and here. This OM post just felt very timely, so here it is. “OM… everything is coming to singularity, including time. … Continue reading

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My Take on why the Sun has NOT lost Its Top and Bottom…

[Kp update 1-2-15: Please note that what I call “YRFT” post, was posted on Richard’s blog, outofthisworldx.wordpress.com, by him, and was not posted by Yellow Rose (YRFT).] This is very much thanks to DB who emailed some data to me, … Continue reading

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According to YFRT, Top and Bottom of "the Sun" are Missing…

[Kp update 1-2-15: Please note that this was posted on Richard’s blog, outofthisworldx.wordpress.com, by him, and was not posted by Yellow Rose.] I believe the illusion is being dissolved. Although it could be the noise from the fireworks in Hawai’i … Continue reading

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Kp Radio Hawaii… "Late Night with Kp 12-27-14"

Show link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/kpradiohawaii/2014/12/28/late-night-with-kp-12-27-14 Talked about false flags, the Asia Air flight being likely a false flag, BRICS stabilizing the planet, then a Yellow Rose for Texas post that might very well go along with a recent Cobra post. Audio player … Continue reading

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Kp Radio Hawaii… "Really Early Morning with Kp 12-26-14"

Show link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/kpradiohawaii/2014/12/26/really-early-morning-with-kp-12-26-14 We covered the latest David Wilcock radio interview and new article. Then we went to the plethora of Yellow Rose for Texas posts, with arcing suns, Earth approaching gates, and all of that. Audio player [Kp note: … Continue reading

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A Couple of "Yellow Rose" Videos, 12-(23-24)-14… "Arcing at the Sun"

Okay, something is happening, apparently, with what we view as “The Sun”. As I’m trying to understand this, what YRFT (Yellow Rose For Texas) (and OM, etc.) is saying is that the sun that we see is essentially a “firewall” … Continue reading

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Another "Yellow Rose", 12-24-14… "We seem to be lined up with the gate now"

I’m putting these out (even though I’m not exactly sure what it all “means”) as it seems we are close to something “happening”… whatever that exactly means. According to the photos below, apparently we are lined up with “the gate”, … Continue reading

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A "Yellow Rose" type Update… OM McManus Report… "How 'Bout them Gears, Baby!!"

OM placed his gear pictures, which he showed in this video, as easier-to-view jpegs at this post. So I’m putting the whole article from him below, and adding a link to the video at the end. This gives a lot … Continue reading

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A Couple of "Yellow Roses" 2 of 2… "THE ALLIED FORCES … moving us out of the Abyss"

I feel that a lot of information is coming out from these that gives us a clearer picture about how this hologram which we are in is constructed. And how we are getting out of it. Do I “understand” all … Continue reading

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A Couple of "Yellow Roses" 1 of 2… "Solar System Construct : Gears Ed Poles Explained … Video Present For Eeks ! ! !

All of the Yellow Rose materials have been “flying in my face” recently, and I’ve been somehow quite drawn to reading them. This video is a “received” construct of what ED and a lot of the “stuff” Yellow Rose has … Continue reading

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YellowRoseforTexas Video 12-16-14… "About Eve"

[youtube=http://youtu.be/CgLGQXE3jrw&w=550] http://youtu.be/CgLGQXE3jrw I appreciate these videos, because my mind seems to enjoy being “blown open”!! (found at RMN)

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Mind Not Quite “Blown Open” yet? Watch this (Newer) YellowRoseforTexas VIDEO… “Ed’s Big Freak out & More”

[youtube=http://youtu.be/co-04yxorMk&w=550] http://youtu.be/co-04yxorMk I’m currently watching this, working my way through it. Thanks to SP who posted a link to someone who follows Yellow Rose… http://outofthisworldx.wordpress.com/tag/yellow-rose-for-texas/ I’m slowly starting to feel like I can pretend to fake people out that I … Continue reading

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