Tag Archives: water

Collective Evolution 11-22-15… “3 Examples Of Water Powered Technology Will Make You Question The Need For Gas Stations”

This is rather a change of pace type article. And it points out some of the technologies that have already been demonstrated. Of course, then there’s the Keske-type plasma devices, and other “free energy” types which will likely supplant all … Continue reading

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Holy Crap!! There’s Lots of Water over Here!!!

This is from Big Island Video News. Lots of great videos about various places over here which have got tonnes of rain. As I mentioned in this morning’s Kp Radio Hawaii show, I see this as a major cleansing of … Continue reading

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Neil Keenan Group 3-5-14… “One If By Land, Two If By Sea, We Sound The Alarm For Attacks By Three”, part 1… GMOs & Water

Saw this article this morning at RMN and felt the desire to put it out there (well, here). I’ve read much of this, and from what I have seen, it looks to be a thorough summary (with references) about what … Continue reading

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For Big Island Residents… “Dr Masaru Emoto’s Lecture in Hawaii”, March 2 (Hilo) & 3 (Kona)

Dr. Masaru Emoto will appear on the Big Island in early March. Those who have not heard him will likely be amazed at his scientific studies of the connection between water, consciousness and healing. For more information, and to purchase … Continue reading

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