Tag Archives: Wanderer of the Skies

Wanderer of the Skies 10-26-12…”The Entire Planet Has Been Engulfed in a Plasma Field”… “As this Energy Becomes Activated, You Will Find Less and Less Influence of the Illuminati Over Your Everyday Affairs”

Well, after a vacation, Wander of the Skies has come out with a new message. I do note that this rather lines up with several other posts I’ve seen out there. But in particular this latest GaiaPortal post (along with … Continue reading

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Wanderer of the Skies 7-21-12…”The First Advance of the Major Agenda is Underway”… “Remain in Love and Determination for a Positive Outcome”

Well, we’ve been waiting awhile for this next Wanderer, but here it is. The message tells us that the first steps of a consensus reached by the Galactic Federation, with our input, are being taken. This will initially include an … Continue reading

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Wanderer of the Skies 3-25-12…"Gaia has sent her message to the Creator that she is ready"

There is one part of this message that addresses what many have been going through, or saying… a feeling that all of this Ascension, financial change, cabal removal stuff, is baloney, a fake, a pile of you know what, something … Continue reading

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3-14-12, The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies… "You are only now beginning to see the domino effect"

“You have much to look forward to in these coming days as more and more dominoes fall at a much greater and accelerating pace. Already, you are beginning to see the turn of fortune occurring on the financial front. This … Continue reading

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Wanderer of the Skies 1-12-12…"What must come to pass is presently being discussed at the highest levels of your world governments"

There is much I could discuss here, but I feel the highlights and the quotes below summarize the highest points in my mind, in particular the last one. Remember that we are ALL a part of this process. We are … Continue reading

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Wanderer of the Skies 1-4-12…"There is much 'afoot'"

Highlights Keep your eye on the ball because those who seem of the Light may not be and those who seem to be serving the Illuminati may, in fact, surprise you. Many of your leaders in politics have been mislead … Continue reading

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Wanderer of the Skies 11-19-11…"The divine plan is already underway"

A new message from Wanderer. We are close, and Wanderer explains what we are dealing with, “dark”-ness wise, and hints at how disclosure announcements will take place. Highlights Two leaders of your cabal, key members of a control group responsible … Continue reading

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Wanderer of the Skies, 11-7-11…"We have just such a little ways more to go and you will indeed begin to see that we mean business"

Okay, I said I was taking the day off. I am. And I am taking that day off to read this Wanderer which came through. So I added up all the points that hit my Self strongly and present them … Continue reading

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Wanderer of the Skies, 10-25-11…"We are “ramping up” the Disclosure process because we must"

“Expect much in the next several weeks and you will not be disappointed. Disclosure is on your doorstep. When it knocks, welcome it with open arms for it ushers in a truly new paradigm for your existence. There will shortly … Continue reading

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Wanderer of the Skies, 10-14-11…"You now find yourselves at the beginning of the changes that are taking place that have been discussed for so long"

All of a sudden, here appears another Wanderer. So let’s see what is here. I’ve put a major bit of this just below. This is a very confirming message that, just like the last post, something big indeed is going … Continue reading

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Wanderer of the Skies, 10-7-11…"Keep your eyes to the heavens as we prepare to dazzle you with our ships, a prelude to our coming in Peace and Love"

This Wanderer message says that only the most resistant Illuminati have “forcefully received” the message that their time is up. More and more of their minions are turning away from the old agenda, and momentum towards a truly free world … Continue reading

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Wanderer of the Skies, 9-27-11…"Disclosure…we must… move forward to accomplish this task"

This Wanderer message presents more information about the process of Disclosure and how it is moving forward, in spite of some world leaders dragging their feet on the issue. So the bottom line here is that the Galactics are just … Continue reading

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The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies, September 7, 2011…"It is time to open the door"

Another Wanderer, for September 7. Emphasizes how we each are a part of this disclosure process. And many are in the place of knowing that for them, disclosure has occurred. And the reminder and encouragement to “not play into the … Continue reading

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The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies, September 5, 2011…"There is a great shift underway in the economic and business fields that have created unstoppable change"

Now here is a Wanderer that I missed a couple days ago, so first I’ll post this September 5th one, followed by September 7th. Plenty of information coming out now. There’s not much more to say about this one. Just … Continue reading

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August 31, 2011, The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies…"A key faction of the Illuminati’s rogue element has 'seen the Light'"

It’s been two weeks since the last update from Wanderer. He states that an Illuminati faction has “seen the Light”. This was predicted quite some time ago by others, including SaLuSa, Matthew, et al. We each have a role in … Continue reading

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August 17, 2011, The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies…"The last of the impediments to carrying out [Disclosure] plans have been silenced"

Highlights It appears that for the first time all of the appropriate legal documents, treaties and orders, plans and agreements, between all your nations involved in the Disclosure process have been finalized. While there is no timetable attached to this … Continue reading

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August 10, 2011, The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies…"We have seen the Illuminati’s effects diminish so much… it is encouraging for the Disclosure announcement"

Highlights We have seen the Illuminati’s effects diminish so much over the course of such a small amount of time that it is encouraging for the Disclosure announcement. …the last of the “hold outs” are actually rogue military operations from … Continue reading

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August 2, 2011, The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies…"A likely scenario for Disclosure"

Wanderer describes some of the details of a likely Disclosure process. In this scenario, it is emphasized that, “all of you will be asked to do your part in maintaining your sense of balance and calm and instilling it, by … Continue reading

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July 26, 2011, The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies…”Acts… are being carefully orchestrated… that will allow the Disclosure process to unfold”

There are a number of events that are currently taking place. One of these is the “drama” playing out around “the U.S. debt ceiling” which somehow, even though carried out quite easily in years past, under several presidents, now appears … Continue reading

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July 22, 2011, The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies…”There is yet another window of opportunity [for Disclosure] coming shortly”

“There is yet another window of opportunity [for Disclosure] coming shortly. Whether your leaders take advantage of this opportunity is entirely up to them. However, they can no longer continue to squander the opportunities afforded them by our representatives working … Continue reading

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7-14-11, The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies…”Only you alone can discern the Truth about what is happening”

“There is most definitely a calmer energy that has settled over your world in the past several days and the Illuminati’s attempts at disruption are fewer and farther between. We have seen countless minions of the Illuminati turn toward the … Continue reading

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July 6, 2011, The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies… “Stay ever vigilant, as the time draws so much closer than you can imagine”

“For now, continue to focus your Love and Intention on those that have the power to make it so and this will help hasten the process that will insure maximum safety for all when Disclosure occurs. When we can be … Continue reading

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June 29, 2011, The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies… “We ask that you direct your love… to your leaders as they discuss the final steps towards Disclosure”

The title says it all. I will only add that Wanderer’s message begins to clarify (at least in part) what our role will be in the disclosure process. So here is a highlight. “It is here and upon you. You … Continue reading

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June 21, 2011, The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies… “Our call to your ‘lost’ souls in the Illuminati has not been without success”

You know, sometimes this stuff is downright… “Neat”. I just posted what I was doing this afternoon, in “Today’s energies from Hawai’i…Opening Pathways for Forgiveness“. Now here comes this message (short and sweet and quick to read; I enjoy that) … Continue reading

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June 17, 2011…The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies… “Activity here is at an all time high”

“Activity here is at an all time high. Everyone has their “assignment” and everyone is busy interacting to get into place that which is needed for the floodgates to open. We await divine word for the final nod that will … Continue reading

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June 15, 2011…Message from The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies… “the Disclosure process…has begun”

“As we speak, there are many activities underway for the triggering event to occur. We are truly excited on our end that all seems to be pointing in the direction of Disclosure at this time. While we cannot say from … Continue reading

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June 13, 2011…Message from The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies

This message from Wanderer of the Skies seemed right on for what all of the past few posts have been pointing at. That the dark ones are being given every opportunity to peacefully step back and move with us toward … Continue reading

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