Tag Archives: Wall Street

10-25-12… Bankster Accountability, Anyone?… “Racketeering and Money Laundering Lawsuit Seeking Return of $43 Trillion to the United States Treasury”

[UPDATE: American Kabuki has some excellent highlights in his post about this] That’s a lot of trillions. This may not be a part of any “Prosperity Program”, but perhaps is a step in the direction of restitution and elimination of … Continue reading

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Inelia Benz…"The United States of America – Call to Action"…and 13 Crystal Skulls…

This article (found at 2012 Scenario) by Inelia Benz, particularly resonated with two parts of myself, first, her perception of what many in the U.S. are going through (“the American people are among the most oppressed people in the world”), … Continue reading

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"The Man in the Street Tells It Like It Is" (from 2012 Scenario), and "Hawaii rallies behind Occupy Wall Street"

[youtube=http://youtu.be/6yrT-0Xbrn4&w=500] This first video was taken from Steve’s site (click here). And the second shows that many folks here on the Big Island (and the rest of Hawaii) are awake and aware and understand, perhaps, that we are all in … Continue reading

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