Tag Archives: Vatican

Dr. Michael Salla, Exopolitics.org 4-7-18… “QAnon reveals Vatican Rothschild Reptilian Connection behind the Deep State”

Very much align with this Q Anon related exposure analysis by Dr. Salla. It’s ALL being exposed, baby! For all to see (whether one likes it or not!). As always with Dr. Salla’s articles, I’m posting 1/3 of the article, … Continue reading

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More #QAnon (#Q) Postings from 4-3-18… “[Pope] will be having a terrible May”

Well, there is more fun for all of the “decoders” here, with twelve more “Q drops” coming out again today. I’ll post a few highlights and see where this goes. I’ve added my own views, but there’s so much here … Continue reading

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Gaia.com Cosmic Disclosure episode, “Alien Tech at the Vatican”… free for 48 hours

Actually, now it’s more like 38 hours, but I’m listening to it now and it is quite fascinating. It’s with Emery Smith. Some may wish to take a listen to this while it’s still available to all, for free. Alien … Continue reading

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Something’s Happening at the #Vatican on 6-1-17… Dark #Smoke…

One question is, is this actually at the Vatican itself? Anyway, we shall see. Could there possibly be a Draco or Reptilian or two or three, or an underground base, being “cleared out”? Well, those are my personal “surmises”. I’m … Continue reading

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Continuing Education… VIDEO “The 3-City State World Empire”

[Kp note about the Kingdom of Hawai’i: the Kingdom, although many here see it as having been stolen by the US, and is perceived by most as “STATE OF HAWAII”, as “belonging” to the US (namely, USA CORP), according to … Continue reading

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Romero Institute 1-21-16… “UN Condemns Doctrine of Discovery”

This came up somewhere, and I felt it was an important piece in the liberation for various “discovered by Europeans”, aka, “colonized and occupied under duress”, sovereign nations. This includes the Kingdom of Hawai’i. Anyone who watched the Pinky show … Continue reading

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Exopolitics Blog (ALW) 5-23-14: "Kevin Annett: Defendant Jesuit Superior General announces resignation; Vatican rumors Pope Bergoglio’s bad health and resignation to avoid Satanic 9th circle murder evidence"

[Update 1834 HST: The second half of this Kevin discusses his work in helping to train people to set up Common Law courts, and what many many localities are doing in this regard.] I felt this was so significant that … Continue reading

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Synchronicity… Three Lightning Strikes in 3 Days… "Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Nicolas Pachon Announces Retirement", "The Shard", and "The Freedom Tower"

[UPDATE: I forgot to mention and thank Dave Stewart for posting these and several other events on his Facebook page. Thanks Dave!!!] There is absolutely NO coincidence among these events. Synchronicity. Synchronicity. Synchronicity. The Vatican… the EU… the USA corporation. … Continue reading

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Kevin Annett 3-24-14 Update with Alfred Lambremont Webre… “The Whole Thing [Vatican state] is Shaking and Coming Down”

[youtube=http://youtu.be/8Y96c-y6mDQ&w=500] . Found at RMN. With the Vatican Illumination Event, Global Meditation to clear ley lines via 8 Egyptian obelisks in Rome, [UPDATE: here’s one more, Global Ascension – 144,000 Chant For Earth’s Liberation], and other events going on tomorrow, … Continue reading

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Montague Keen Message 3-23-14… “Global Meditation for Ley Lines Restoration”

This is the Montague Keen message referred to in the Vatican Illumination Event. ——————————————————————— Montague Keen Message 3-23-14 My dear, please understand that the reason so many problems are being hurled in your direction at this time is to try … Continue reading

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Montague Keen Message 3-16-14… “Look at the Major Ley Lines in Rome”

Montague’s Message for Sunday, 16th March 2014 It is time for action once more, my friends. Though it is important to continue the work on Glastonbury Tor, we must move forward with our plans. Today, I ask that you look … Continue reading

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From ITCCS 2-3-14…”Pope Francis is named by former Argentine junta insider as “prime mover” in child trafficking network”

Now here’s another article of a type I normally have not posted. However, I feel the information in this video and report is very very much related to the latest Cobra interview, in which he states (as he has many … Continue reading

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Breaking News… “UN committee blasts Vatican on sex abuse, abortion”

Thanks to Mari for sending this link. Although I do not usually post items of this nature, I sense it is a strong indicator that these folks (namely, “the Vatican”) are in a heap of Apocalypse (Un-Veiling… maybe, in this … Continue reading

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David Wilcock Update 2-28-13…”Lightning Strikes Vatican: A Geo-Synchronicity?”

This article came out a week ago. Some may also wish to read this prior blog post I put up here about this event (Lightning Has Struck the Vatican… and Why this Happened). ————————————————————————— Lightning Strikes Vatican: A Geo-Synchronicity? by … Continue reading

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Lightning Has Struck the Vatican… and Why this Happened…

This will be brief. The Lightning struck the Vatican (the same day the Pope quit) because the Cosmos knows the jig is up. And the gig is up. The Lightning struck the Vatican because the Cosmos knows that it was … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 7-22-12…”The Red Pill”

As I attempted to wake up this morning, and found that I would not wake up, or at least would not get out of bed, I finally checked my emails and found a link to this new update from Cobra … Continue reading

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