Tag Archives: USA corporation

A couple of NEOs 2 of 2… Phil Butler 12-3-16… “Donald Trump and the “Russia Redux””

Basically Mr. Butler is sharing views from a few Russian political analysts about the upcoming Trump presidency, and how they view this “Trump phenomenon” as it relates to US-Russia relations. Personally, I see those relations as having only an ascending … Continue reading

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A couple of NEOs 1 of 2… Martin Berger 12-3-16… “Aleppo has sent the West into Panic Overdrive”

This one “struck” me as one that wanted to be posted. In my view, this points out the desperation of “the cabal” to save face as much as possible and (likely) to cause as much havoc as possible for the … Continue reading

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Lada Ray Futurist Trendcast 11-19-16… “FSB Foils Terrorist Plots in Moscow, St.Petersburg, Crimea, Donetsk; CIA Runs from Kiev”

Lots of information here. She writes about the Ukraine situation towards the end (related to this prior post). “Much like the Mosul offensive in Iraq was supposed to be victoriously accomplished in time for US Presidential Elections on November 8, … Continue reading

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Katehon.com 11-17-16… “USA says goodbye to Ukraine”

[Kp update: here is a link to learn more about Katehon and its mission.] This looks just like what Lada Ray spoke of (predicted) several times. In fact, the next post will have more about this. This one is short … Continue reading

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“Planetary Shift IN, nwo OUT”, 2 of 2… Russia/Iran/China: Changing things in the Middle East (or, “It’s time to slap New World Order agents in their faces”)

Please note that “nwo” is not capitalized, as most articles do, since, in my view, they are “on the outs”, and do not rate any capitalizations. Three articles are summarized here, the first from Lada Ray, the next two from … Continue reading

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“Planetary Shift IN, nwo OUT”, 1 of 2… Turkey: “Explosive Consequences of Putin-Erdogan St.Petersburg Meeting” (FT) and “Turkey considering military ties with Russia” (VT)

Please note that “nwo” is not capitalized, as most articles do, since, in my view, they are “on the outs”, and do not rate any capitalizations. One of these (the Lada Ray) was posted here yesterday. The other is from … Continue reading

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Two Lada Ray’s (8-15-16, 8-17-16) which describe the MAJOR EARTH SHIFT going on right now

I’m only posting the linked headlines for these two, and will likely publish the full articles later. But I feel these are such important events for the benefit of this planet, that I recommend reading them now. Explosive Consequences of … Continue reading

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Lada Ray Earth Shift Report 13: Erdogan’s War (Consequences of Erdogan-Putin Meeting 8/9/16), 8-9-16

This is the first Lada Ray Earth Shift Report I’ve read for some time, and I found it to be very enthralling information (meaning, “the article ‘sucked me into it’ for two days of continual reading!”). I found it very … Continue reading

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TASS 2-15-16… “Russia submits to UN SC “express review” of gross violations of UN Charter by US, UK”

This certainly outlines the step-by-step violations of UN Charter, international law (and all that) which the NATO “leaders”, US and UK, have done over the last few decades. It is now on record with the UN. This was also posted … Continue reading

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These Images Tell All about the USA CORP… "Iran… Russia… How DARE they be so close to USA [Corp] Military Bases"

And don’t forget Hawaii… I will just point out, that these images are not intended to imply that “all US military is BAD”. In this particular moment on this planet, I know there are contrasting groups of “military”, some are … Continue reading

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Vladimir Odintsov, NEO 2-16-15… "American Ambassadors: Old Dogs and Old Tricks"

Found this at NEO, and consider it a helpful (in a rehashing of old techniques apocalyptic kind of way). It illustrates how the “US-style democracy… image of prosperity and happiness” is used to coerce countries and their people to accept … Continue reading

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Synchronicity… Three Lightning Strikes in 3 Days… "Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Nicolas Pachon Announces Retirement", "The Shard", and "The Freedom Tower"

[UPDATE: I forgot to mention and thank Dave Stewart for posting these and several other events on his Facebook page. Thanks Dave!!!] There is absolutely NO coincidence among these events. Synchronicity. Synchronicity. Synchronicity. The Vatican… the EU… the USA corporation. … Continue reading

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