Tag Archives: Tony Rodrigues

Dauntless Dialogue “Breakaway” series, parts 3 & 4… “Tony Rodrigues, ‘SRA*’ and ‘Life on Mars'” (8-12-18, 8-19-18)

I’ve listened to parts of each of these, and felt it was time to post them here. More data for these apocalyptic times. *SRA = Satanic Ritual Abuse . [youtube=https://youtu.be/f41-1Eleb-o&w=600] https://youtu.be/f41-1Eleb-o Published on August 12, 2018 . [youtube=https://youtu.be/yO4FOwXnJmw&w=600] https://youtu.be/yO4FOwXnJmw Published … Continue reading

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Dauntless Dialogue “Breakaway” series, parts 1 & 2… “Tony Rodrigues, ‘Spacebound Prisoner’ and ‘Life Onboard the Dark Fleet Craft'”

Well, I listened to both of these tonight. I’d seen them popp up on YouTube awhile back, but I found myself extremely “drawn in” to these interviews. Tony Rodrigues was part of a 20 and back program, which took him … Continue reading

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