Tag Archives: Tiffany Fitzhenry

A Few of the 5,253,577 VIDEOs I’ve Watched recently that I’ve found Illuminating

A few videos that I’m grouping together (as I have several items to take care of at this moment) so perhaps one or more of these will be illuminating to one or more of the viewers. . https://youtu.be/UJSNPzS7JOM Dr. Dave … Continue reading

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Tiffany Fitzhenry VIDEO 10-19-18… “The Great Globalist Unmasking is Here”

Just watched this one. Found it very illuminating. “Unmasking”… isn’t that what the Apocalypse is? Anyway, she wrote an accompanying article to this, which some may wish to read, and which I may post in full at some point. She … Continue reading

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Tiffany Fitzhenry 8-17-18… “Where We Go One We Go All”

I’d never heard of Tiffany before, but I saw this somewhere (FB, Twitter?) and it really seemed to point out many things that are “awesomely” occurring on this planet right now. If you’re unaware of what is occurring, this article … Continue reading

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