Tyler Durden ZeroHedge 2-4-17… “The Washington Post Has Declared War On Peacemakers; Dennis Kucinich Rages Against The Military-Industrial-Complex”

This is another strong indication that the planet is becoming more and more aware of the real situation in Syria, and that THE USA CORP (et al) have been funding ISIS, ISIL, “moderate rebels ( and terrorists)”, “extreme rebels ( … Continue reading

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And now, “THE USA CORP” blowback, Part 2… RT VIDEOS 12-12-16… “Ed Schultz (of RT) and Craig Murray (former British ambassador) (and a few others) respond”

[Kp update: added a Paul Joseph Watson video at the end for those who want some additional (high energy presentation) data.] This is also related to the prior Lada Ray article. These are the two videos I spoke of in … Continue reading

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And now, “THE USA CORP” blowback, Part 1… RT 12-12-16… “White House attacks Trump over connections to Russia and RT”

This is related to the prior Lada Ray article. Had to happen, I suppose. Same old games. New target. And just as with many other allegations (say, against Russia, Putin, Syria, Assad, etc.), the State Department presents no evidence to … Continue reading

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Three (more) articles about “THE USA CORP bombing things, violating cease-fires, violating treaties, and (apparently) committing all sorts of ‘holy Crap’ (small h, large C) in Syria”

Just a small sampling from the multitude of articles I’m sure are out there. The USA CORP military industrial complex is indeed being called out all over the place. This follows a prior Kp blog post about Syria. Russia to … Continue reading

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Two RTs about how “Russia saved Syria from US regime change”, and “West [should] reassess”

These are two more articles that point out what Russia has been doing to alleviate the destruction in Syria, and destroy the credibility of THE USA/NATO CORP. Job done: Russia saved Syria from US regime change… now it’s over to … Continue reading

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RT 3-15-16… “From regime change to ISIS: 5 years of US meddling in Syria”

This RT article is an excellent illustration of how THE USA-NATO CORP has operated in Syria, and has been operating over the past 70 years (and longer) in many, many other countries. The article illustrates clearly how THE USA-NATO CORP … Continue reading

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Is this relevant to the USA (aka USA CORP)? SOTT.net 12-21-15… “Et tu, Brute? How empires die”

As I am quite sure the old paradigm of “grab as much of this planet as you can and put it under our control” is fading out. And especially that of THE USA CORP, which is in essence a criminal … Continue reading

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State Department Doublespeak? Kerry, “US not after regime change in Syria, but Assad must go”; Lavrov, “Fight against terror must not be held hostage to future of Assad’ “

These two seem to highlight the way “THE USA CORP” representatives continually try to spin the conversation so they get what they want. Never mind that Assad was elected with 90% of the popular vote. Anyway, all of these things … Continue reading

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Veterans Today 12-4-15… “Iraqi PM: US Special Forces Deployment Considered Act of War”

So it looks like THE USA CORP is not exactly welcome where it used to be (not that it ever was… or is). ———————————————- Iraqi PM: US Special Forces Deployment Considered Act of War ‘Hostile act:’ Iraqi PM denounces US … Continue reading

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The U.S. is a Corporation within Washington D.C. VIDEO

[youtube=https://youtu.be/6ybmLl0e8YQ&w=500] https://youtu.be/6ybmLl0e8YQ This may fit for some people. Yes, we’ve heard it before, “The USA is a corporation”. This video goes through some of the details about that, particularly in the first half. A related video is below. [youtube=https://youtu.be/vUIlLrNQJ3Q&w=400] https://youtu.be/vUIlLrNQJ3Q … Continue reading

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Perfect Follow-Up to Ron Paul… "'the united states of America' and 'THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA' corporation" (a short and extremely educational VIDEO) (and really long title)

[youtube=http://youtu.be/TBJ_bTd7qPQ&w=500] http://youtu.be/TBJ_bTd7qPQ Thanks to MH for sending this link. Most of us have heard of all this, but I found this short video to be an excellent summary of how the international bankers used the debt incurred by the US … Continue reading

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Jonas Alexis VT 1-4-15… "Iran Politically Rises–Zionists Slowly and Morally Fall"

The parts that struck my attention button is quoted below. This is not about “the Obama” or anything like that. But it does point out some of what is behind the “Iran is the Devil” picture that has been painted … Continue reading

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