Tag Archives: Teresa Yanaros

Cobra Update 5-9-18… “Entry Protocols”

This is quite the interesting and fascinating update by Cobra. And apparently Teresa Yanaros had this experience and reported on it. Although I’m sure some who read this will be called to go through this process, many will not. In … Continue reading

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Teresa Yanaros, Divine Frequency 8-1-17… “Evidence and Proof – Case for a Secret Space Program”

Teresa discusses “evidence”, “proof”, and the value of listening to all sides when presenting data. She does an excellent job, in my view, of explaining those concepts. She also gives a short background history, which I found very illuminating. . … Continue reading

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Divine Frequency 7-25-17… “Corey Goode Interview – Current Events and Q/A – July 25, 2017”

This came out very recently, and I just started listening. I’m sure many others will feel drawn to as well. . [youtube=https://youtu.be/K0HCGmSKpV4&w=600] https://youtu.be/K0HCGmSKpV4 Corey Goode discusses current events and viewer Q&A with Teresa Yanaros from Divine Frequency. —- Want Additional … Continue reading

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News of 6-22-17 from a) the “Sather Illumination Channel” and “Divine Frequency Channel”

Yes, this is from yesterday, but I thought it was “neat” that Teresa and Jordan were doing something similar on the same day. Also felt it was an opportunity to introduce Teresa’s news items show. 6.22 Sci/Tech News – Mummified … Continue reading

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Teresa Yanaros (and Corey Goode) about an Upcoming Interview (and request for questions)…

This interview is coming up, and perhaps some will have questions to submit to Teresa. I feel that all of this “soap opera” is playing out and those of the “mud slingers” are exposing themselves. And even though I am … Continue reading

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A Whole “Load” of recent posts that shed Light on those ‘Attempts to Compromise’ Gaia, Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Jordan Sather, Emma Gold, Teresa Yanaros, Blue Avians, Cosmic Disclosure, ‘The Light’, and (who else?)… let’s add Jesus, Buddha, Muhammed, and ________ (fill in with your favorite Light Being)!!

[Kp update: TY to TY for suggesting this Jordan video on this same topic. I’ve also added it at the end of this.] [Kp update 2: and no I am not apologizing for that 3.65 kilometer long title! I liked … Continue reading

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Divine Frequency (Teresa Yanaros) 6-4-17… “Stacy Goode Exclusive: Wife of Secret Space Program Insider”

I’ve also included the article Teresa wrote about this interview, below the video. Although I did not meet Corey or Stacy at CITD, I did meet Stacy and family in March, at the airport, for about 5-10 minutes (see this … Continue reading

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