Tag Archives: Stephen Lendman

Stephen Lendman, GlobalResearch.ca 9-8-16… “Fabricated Claims About Russian “Covert Plot” to Disrupt US Elections”

This one appeared at Galactic Connection. I’d heard about this before, and presumably most are now awake enough to recognize that the “Russia did it” theme is a tired cabal-media-directed deal… likely with no evidence to support it. “Hillary is … Continue reading

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Stephen Lendman VT 1-5-15… "US Coup in Ukraine: Oliver Stone’s Documentary"

Oliver Stone… he’s apparently one of those [fantastic, courageous, crazy, damn (or pick your own adjective)] exposers. And this appears to be one of his projects. I do sense he is one of the Light Bringers for this whole “Russia … Continue reading

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Sputnik News 12-9-14… "Lavrov's Big Interview" (and notes from Stephen Lendman (and Kp))

Not sure the exact date of this “Big Interview”, but I saw this today, and felt it important enough to post. Stephen Lendman pointed out several key items from it (in his piece, “US Attempted Color Revolution in Russia?“), so … Continue reading

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Stephen Lendman VT 12-19-14… "Putin’s Annual Marathon Press Conference Tour De Force"

This article points out quite a few important items from Vladimir Putin’s message and Q&A from 12-18-14 (video here). “Putin, like Castro, knows what he’s up against. Not about to roll over for Washington. Especially on issues mattering most. Including … Continue reading

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Stephen Lendman VT 12-8-14… "Toxic Contamination on US Military Bases"

Part of the reason I wanted to post this was to remind everyone that much of The Kingdom of Hawai’i has been occupied, in many ways, by military bases (here’s a very abbreviated list; on the Big Island, I also … Continue reading

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Stephen Lendman VT 11-2-14… “Ray McGovern Brutally Arrested”

I post this as I have never heard of Ray McGovern, but it certainly appears he is one of the many who have been courageous enough to “confront the matrix”, and has suffered some of the consequences. This article may … Continue reading

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Stephen Lendman VT 9-2-14… “Castro Compares NATO to Nazis”

Originally I saw this at GAoG. I found this a marvelous example of how many so called (according to standard Western media and government corporation entities) “dictators”, “‘bad’ people’”, “anybody who does not toe the USA CORP NATO line”, “etc.”, … Continue reading

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