Tag Archives: solar energy

Corey Goode FB post 7-17-17… “Have you been feeling dizzy, light headed, head aches, agitated with the loss of appetite?”

Saw this update this morning from Corey, and it certainly goes along with what I’ve been sensing… and going through, energetically. By the way, the video Corey refers to is “a hoot”, with the appearance of Family Guy’s Ollie the … Continue reading

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Business Insider 3-9-17… “Tesla is powering the Hawaiian island of Kauai with more than 54,000 solar panels and its giant battery packs”

I see this as potentially a great idea for the smaller islands (including possibly Big Island). The comment I made on the video (at end) was “a great place for these would be on the west side (Kekaha). And particularly … Continue reading

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Denise Le Fay 1-29-12…"One Month Into 2012 & We’ve Been Solar Fried!"

“These Cosmic and Galactic Light energies being transmitted to and through our Sun are rapidly evolving us, our bodies and consciousness. As we’re increasingly altered and evolved by these energies over the years, the pain we feel from them, the … Continue reading

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Boom! Sun unleashes yet another huge solar flare…

Here it is… Another blast of Solar Fun!! Get ready for exposures and an uplifting ride. Especially if you like roller coasters. At least for awhile. At least we know, as SaLuSa just said, “It is the storm before the … Continue reading

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A Message…What’s Going On…

We are coming to you on this 7th day of the March month to explain that you are right on track. There are no significant delays in any of our plans to assist all on this planet to rise up … Continue reading

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