Tag Archives: Schumann Resonance

WhatDoesitMean.com 3-21-19… “Europe Stares Into Abyss After Populist Trump Forces Throw Socialist Dutch Government From Power” (or, “Trump Derangement Syndrome may be ‘Peaking out'”)

As I mentioned in this earlier Kp message post, I often read these articles, primarily for information which often “resonates” within me. This one, in particular, resonated quite mightily, in that it tells quite a story of how many ways … Continue reading

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Illuminations from “The Sather Light” (Jordan’s, that is) 4-19-17… “The Schumann Resonance Bursts and Affects on Human Consciousness” VIDEO

Okay, I’m listening to another Jordan Sather (https://www.facebook.com/destroyingtheillusion; YouTube page). He is currently one of my “Enlighteners” (aka, “teachers”). He’s putting together some great educational videos, in a very POSITIVE Light. So the phrase above came to me (and it … Continue reading

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SagittariusCraig Reddit.com 1-1-17… “Humans are Waking Up: For First Time in Recorded History, Schumann Resonance Jumping to 36+”

This one caught my attention. I’m not quite sure exactly what the scale on the left represents (frequency?), but the gist seems to be that the farther down the green goes, the higher the resonance (The graph is usually blue … Continue reading

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