Tag Archives: Roundup

Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo.com 10-23-18… “Bayer Stock Crashes After Monsanto Cancer Verdict Upheld By Judge; Analyst Estimates $800 Billion In Future Liability”

This is certainly big time news, and according to one analyst, conceivably could end up costing Monsanto over $800 billion! And hopefully is a huge step to ending the poisoning of our planet by corporations like Monsanto, Bayer, et al. … Continue reading

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CBS Sacramento 1-27-17… “Court Rules Against Monsanto, Allows California To Put Cancer Warning On Roundup”

This is a potentially great step in Californians’ attempt to get “carcinogen” attached to Roundup products. I’m very “sad” (not) that “the labels would have immediate financial consequences for the company [and] many consumers would see the labels and stop … Continue reading

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Natural Blaze 11-27-16… “Bombshell Secret Documents Show Monsanto Knew About Glyphosate Cancer Link Over 35 Years Ago”

Guaranteed, there are more of these “hidden” files (trade secrets) in Monsanto’s (and other GMO companies’) scientific records. Found this at Culture of Awareness, via FB. “Monsanto have come under more pressure recently after the WHO defined the main ingredient … Continue reading

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Standing Up to Monsanto, 3/3… NaturalBlaze.com 8-13-16… “U.S. Backed Opposition in Venezuela Attempts to Usher in Monsanto”

This article goes into some of the geopolitics and maneuverings that have gone on with, naturally, THE USA CORP heading the way trying to overthrow governments and cause unrest to those countries opposing the entry and operation of big ag … Continue reading

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Standing Up to Monsanto, 2/3… NaturalBlaze.com 8-12-16… “Monsanto Backs Out of Seed Plant in Argentina After Protests”

[Kp note: pardon but I had the same introduction on this one as in part 1… now corrected.] This is the second Natural Blaze article about Monsanto and Argentina people, and the success of those people in standing up to … Continue reading

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Standing Up to Monsanto, 1/3… NaturalBlaze.com 8-10-16… “Argentina Has a “City of Death” Thanks to Monsanto”

This was seen a few days ago, and when I looked a bit more, there were a couple more potentially useful and educational Natural Blaze articles about how many of the Argentine people are “Standing Up to Monsanto”… just as … Continue reading

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Speaking of RoundUp, Great News from Maui… MauiMama 1-2016… “State Department of Transportation on Maui Have Stopped all Purchase and Use of Roundup!”

Okay, I’m not sure exactly when this was posted (I could not find a date anywhere), but I think it is from January of 2016. No matter. This is a very positive direction, in my view. ————————————————– State Department of … Continue reading

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Will Peeing lead to Monsanto’s downfall?… EcoWatch 5-12-16 “Results of Glyphosate Pee Test Are in ‘And It’s Not Good News’”

This was too much fun not to post. And it just occurred to me that this might be one way to finally get people (lawmakers) to vote for getting rid of Roundup (glyphosate) and all other pesticides that are harmful … Continue reading

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F. William Engdahl, NEO 4-15-16… “Dramatic Turn in Brussels Glyphosate Battle”

This appears to be big news. A refreshing change in attitude by the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority). “…the unexpected refusal last month of three EU member states to go along with the decision of the EU Health and Food … Continue reading

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