Tag Archives: Raul Castro

Lada Ray Futurist Trendcast 11-26-16… “RIP Fidel Castro: Remembering Comandante (and how I met him)”

I view Lada Ray’s posting of this information about Fidel Castro the real story of Cuba (as well as about many other countries around the world who were not able to resist the Empire of THE USA CORP and consequently … Continue reading

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RT 3-21-16… “‘Embargo is going to end’: Obama, Raul Castro speak after historic meeting in Cuba”

Somehow this seems important. A major step in releasing the grip of THE USA CORP / cabal on countries that were captured (in their own way) or denigrated by that same CORP. This is likely a part of Obama’s efforts. … Continue reading

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Jim Dean VT 4-11-15… “US, Cuban leaders hold first meeting in half-century”

With all that’s happening around the planet, this one stood out as a sign that in spite of all cabal-type opposition, doors to peace are being opened, and walked through. I do believe that this bodes very well for the … Continue reading

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This is HUGE for Cuba/US, Part 3/3… RT 12-17-14… "Pope Francis unexpected hero of US-Cuba relations breakthrough"

Pope Francis unexpected hero of US-Cuba relations breakthrough Pope Francis has congratulated both the US and Cuba on restoring relations, as the Vatican together with Canada were confirmed to have played a significant role in the talks which broke 50 … Continue reading

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This is HUGE for Cuba/US, Part 2/3… RT 12-17-14… "Obama announces US will establish embassy in Cuba, lift sanctions"

To me, this also indicates that the “dark workers” within the Washington DC arena, have significantly lost their strength to hinder positive change. “Today, the United States of America is changing its relationship with the people of Cuba,” Obama said … Continue reading

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This is HUGE for Cuba/US, Part 1/3… VT 12-17-14… "Obama Normalizes Relations With Cuba"

This and the following two articles about Cuba, to me represent a HUGE change, energetically, in the world. Yes, you can say that “Well this was an executive order, and the Senate has to do this and that to remove … Continue reading

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