Tag Archives: QAnon

Santa Surfing 9-14-20 (short but important) VIDEO… “Buckle Up Q posting Big Names and we need to be ready!”

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This newest video by Santa Surfing I feel is significant, in that it goes through the latest Q posts, which are pointing to several items that may be on the “exposure in the next few days” list. We shall see!! … Continue reading

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Where We Go 1 We Go All, 8-15-20… “IMPORTANT CHANNEL UPDATE!! Livestreams, deleted videos and more!”

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Yes, I checked the KpBlog.space home page, and found the video had been removed. After checking his primary YouTube channel, I found the current video, which explains what he’s doing to counter this censorship. Two links are: WWG1WGA YouTube alternate … Continue reading

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Where We Go 1 We Go All, 8-14-20… “POTUS Confirms I7!!!” [Oops… YouTube didn’t like this one… they removed it!]

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[Kp update 8-15-20: this video has disappeared. I’m posting one more WWG1WGA video (related Kp blog link) that explains what’s going on, and alternate channels he has set up.] I happened to hear this question live on Fox YouTube (link). … Continue reading

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Qohn Galt Tweets 8-12-20… “‘Q’ appears at Michael Jackson’s Mansion and Princess Diana’s memorial”

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Posted by Qohn Galt, thought these were very interesting. Recall that the letter ‘Q’ is also formed by the JFK Memorial. I believe all these are connected. Have fun with this!! https://twitter.com/QohnG/status/1293497482996076544 https://twitter.com/QohnG/status/1293497482996076544

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#Q #QANON 6-25-20… Q drop #4509… “You have been selected to help serve your Country” (and your Planet)

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Well, believe it or not, I’ve not yet posted an actual “Q drop” yet on the Kpblog.space… So here goes… I kind of felt that this one was rather significant. I feel that many of the points here are excellent … Continue reading

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David Wilcock 4-21-20 Tweet (and VIDEO)… “MAJOR INTERNET OUTAGES in MULTIPLE CITIES across America…. TODAY!”

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Pretty interesting Tweet from David. I did not see the video, but place the link below the Tweet. And btw, David always uses “17” as a substitutute for “Q”. ——————————————————- Tweet 3:33 PM · Apr 21, 2020 MAJOR INTERNET OUTAGES … Continue reading

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Beautiful summation of the Q posts from 4-11-20… “WWG1 – IPOT Presents – 4-12-20”

. https://youtu.be/KKm3O-gJRHU https://youtu.be/KKm3O-gJRHU

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#Q #QAnon post #3929 (and a WWG1WGA Video)… “Q does not set specific dates”

Just saw this video, and as some may have seen in this Kp blog post which included Q Post #3929 in it, well, “setting dates” is not “a deal” with the Q posts. So here’s a WWG1WGA video that goes … Continue reading

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x22Report 4-10-20 VIDEO… “Game Theory, Events Unlock, [Evil] Has Been Allowed To Flourish, Pain”

[Kp note: originally I pointed out 11:44 as the time below, but it should have been 10:44. This has been corrected.] This video covers many things, but of particular note to me w as at 10:44, where he points out … Continue reading

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Several #Q #QANON Posts out today (4-8-20)

Check them out here : https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub//

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A Note (or two) about this word that appeared in Q drop 97… “Darnkess”

[Kp update: I removed the link to AS’s foundation, as I felt it was not “right” to post on the blog. Feel free to Google (or Startpage or other search engine) that to find the URL.] Notice that one of … Continue reading

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And We Know News VIDEO 4-6-20… “AWK News 4.6.20: Everything is at Stake. Information Warfare!”

This new AWK news video is, as often the case, very illuminating about many things. In particular he presents many data points (and decodes) about the presumed releasing of information about “underground operations”, and rescues of people trapped there. AWK … Continue reading

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David Wilcock 3-28-20 Tweet… “[DW will] leak a HUGE piece of intel [at] beginning of tomorrow’s livestream”

Thanks to JW’s FB where I saw this. There’s likely something “great” coming out of this. Also I understand that he’ll be addressing the “Treasury absorbs the Fed” deal (related Kp blog post). I believe David’s presentation tomorrow will be … Continue reading

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Several items regarding the “Austin Steinbart” phenomenon… Citizens Investigative Report, Praying Medic, Goldfish Report, TerranCognito

So, below, feel free to take one’s pick among these various “Who the h— is Austin?” evaluations. Both CIR (Katie G) and Louisa seem more open minded about “the Austin” and his possible Q role, whereas Praying Medic, early on … Continue reading

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Austin Steinbart 3-25-20… “Quantum Internet✨”

All I will say about this one is that it “caught” my attention, and I found the data pretty fascinating. Have fun with this! Points of interest: QAnon = an intel op (not a religion, like some try to make … Continue reading

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David Wilcock 3-23-20 Tweet… “[Q] posts COMPLETELY confirm [DW’s] intel”

Okay, this is just a Tweet from DW confirming his intel related in Sunday’s YouTube broadcast (related Kp blog post). Note that he refers to “Q” as “17”. And the main Q post he refers to (I believe) is this … Continue reading

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x22Report and And We Know News very illuminative VIDEOS 3-23-20… “Operation Signal, Blockage Dismantled, Fire At Will Commander” and “Many are waking up to the [DS] tactics. Do not fear”

This is a very simple posting. Two videos I viewed, and received a LOT from. Have fun… Enjoy the Show… . https://youtu.be/B7D2UVa6hgE https://youtu.be/B7D2UVa6hgE The clock is ticking down for the [DS], some are sending messages, storm surge is about to … Continue reading

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“Q 28 1991” was seen today (3-15-20)… so here are Q posts 28 and 1991…

Saw these numbers following a Q on a sign during my drive back from the coffee shop today. I’m not presenting any kind of interpretation, just putting it out here for everyone’s consideration and/or analysis. ————————————————— Q post 28 Anonymous … Continue reading

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Austin Steinbart “List of Videos” (as of 3-11-20)

Okay, I wanted to post all of these at one time for easy reference. I did watch each and every one of them last night. And I received much information from each of them. Let me make this very clear… … Continue reading

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Austin Steinbart 3-7-20… “QProof?”

I watched every single one of Austin’s videos last night. I was very “pulled in”, so I did that. This particular video addresses the “haters” et al. on Twitter, and all that. Personally, I’m not into his way of “addressing” … Continue reading

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Austin Steinbart 3-10-20… “Who Is Q? (Pt. 2)” [Austin says, “I am Q”.]

This is Part 2. In this one, he unveils the he is going to be the commander of the “real” space force (not that US Army one established by Trump). Most significantly, he says, “I am Q” (at about 10 … Continue reading

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Austin Steinbart 3-3-20… “Who Is Q? (Pt. 1)”

This one unveiled itself to me after watching “Part 2“. This is all pretty captivating, especially when combined with “Part 2“. So enjoy this show, and look forward to further unveilings from this “Austin Steinbart” guy. . https://youtu.be/4Oi3ebZVbkE https://youtu.be/4Oi3ebZVbkE Q … Continue reading

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Where We Go 1 We Go All 3-10-29… “Silent Running… Is Dan Scavino Q?”

Enjoyed this one… . https://youtu.be/jg93DisB3fk New QPosts for 3/9/20 and the biggest Q Confirm by POTUS to date! Wow.

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#Q #QANON 2-18-20, post 3873… (VIDEO) Awakening Greatly, “QAnon – ‘Ask The Q'”

his is an outstanding video. A grand exposure of the deep state msm. Q post 3873 https://youtu.be/QDVQe5iRiPw https://youtu.be/QDVQe5iRiPw

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#Q #QANON 2-17-20, Post 3872… “To be blunt…. GAME OVER”

This one lays it out… Very bluntly. Should be entertaining to see this play out. Q post 3872 02-17-2020 20:29:50 CST Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID:73bdd5 No.8168745 To be blunt…. GAME OVER. Q

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#Q #QANON 2-12-20, Q drop 3858… “When you are awake, you… have ‘free thought”

[Kp update 2-13-20: some may wish to check out this related SGT Report video which was posted in this Kp blog post.] This one post has some significant ideas, in my view. I’ve not expressed any “opinion” about all the … Continue reading

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Darren Burke, TheStar.co.uk 2-5-20… “Why is someone altering the 0’s on Sheffield’s road signs to letter Q’s?”

This “showed up” somewhere, and seems to be another sign that #Q #QAnon has gone / is going more and more mainstream. ———————————————— Why is someone altering the 0’s on Sheffield’s road signs to letter Q’s? If you have driven … Continue reading

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High Fives (@HighFives12) 1-19-20… “#Q #QAnon on MSM”

Liked this short video that points to many in the msm noting #Q #QAnon, and how it is growing. . https://twitter.com/HighFives12/status/1219016990594961408?s=20 https://twitter.com/HighFives12/status/1219016990594961408?s=20

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#Q #QAnon 1-23-20… Post 3786… “Independence is a beautiful thing!”… “The Brexit Act has been given Royal Assent”

This one just appeared. I’ve not done any further research on this, but this comes from the “Department for Exiting the EU” @DExEUgov, so it must be true! My question… Has it been approved by the Ministry of Silly Brexits? … Continue reading

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#Q #QAnon Post 3782… “Castle clean” (1-22-20)

This seemed important, so I’m posting it now. Does “Castle” = White House; DC; hmmmm… #Q #QAnon Post 3782 IMAGE Castle clean. Q

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