Tag Archives: Q WEB

Videos related to that “‘Learn to Read the Map’ A Cartography of the Globally Organized Corruption Networks” just posted (includes a GoldFish POTUS video as well)

Just a note… I’ve not watched all of these videos in their entirety, but feel they may be “awakening” and helpful to some. Relates to this prior Kp blog post. . [youtube=https://youtu.be/f-TwsIzqJlI&w=550] https://youtu.be/f-TwsIzqJlI . [youtube=https://youtu.be/aM8-8q73Fuk&w=550] https://youtu.be/aM8-8q73Fuk . [youtube=https://youtu.be/v7CkfVNAQn0&w=550] https://youtu.be/v7CkfVNAQn0

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Through the Looking-Glass 11-27-17 (and 1-9-18)… Q Anon: “Learn to Read the Map” A Cartography of the Globally Organized Corruption Networks: A Treasure Trove of Maps, Diagrams, Org Charts, and Family Trees

[Kp update: I believe most will find the “alternate Kp storage links” quicker and more straightforward than the links provided in the article.] Okay… this thing is all over the place these days, and I am posting pretty much just … Continue reading

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