Tag Archives: Q Clearance

AMPLIFIED AUDIO MP3s and audio track of that VERY ILLUMINATING VIDEO 1-26-18 “Lionel Interviews Dr. Jerome Corsi…”

The volume of Lionel was sketchy (in the video of this Kp blog post), at best, so I did a quick volume leveling and added the audio track plus MP3 download links below the video link. Keep in mind this … Continue reading

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VERY ILLUMINATING VIDEO 1-26-18 “Lionel Interviews Dr. Jerome Corsi on the Significance and Criticality of #QAnon” [AMPLIFIED AUDIO track added]

[Kp update: the volume of Lionel was sketchy, at best, so I did a quick volume leveling and added the audio track plus MP3 download links below the video. (keep in mind this was a “quickie” volume leveling, and may … Continue reading

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Roy Potter 12-25-17… “Q Confirmation By SecDef Mattis” (and a couple related) VIDEOS

Seems like actions are in progress. Thought some might have interest in this. . [youtube=https://youtu.be/oVAepwywNPw&w=500] https://youtu.be/oVAepwywNPw Two more related Roy Potters… https://youtu.be/75tJkLB_upE https://youtu.be/ptoR0Fsg6ks

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David Wilcock New Article [section II] 12-25-17… “Stunning New Briefings: Mass Indictments, Targeted Arrests and Disclosure”

[Kp note: as many of you certainly know, whistleblower Emery Smith lost pretty much everything he owned, plus many of the valuable things he had related to disclosure. A PayPal site has been created for those who wish to assist … Continue reading

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Tracy Beanz 12-21-17… “Q Clearance Anon: Is it #happening? Part XIII” (plus “The Proofs of Q…” video)

More “pieces of data”. I’m not sure if what Roy Potter referred to in his recent video is in this one [Kp note: yes, it is!] The second video I’ve attached to this is the CBTS (Calm Before The Storm) … Continue reading

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Roy Potter 12-20-17… “Did Trump Signal Defeat of Soros? Purple Ties and Two Hands To Swallow Water”‘

[Kp note: I posted this with the incorrect Roy Potter video link, so I’m posting it again.] This one had some points that really “stood out” for myself, at least. The primary one I got was that during his speeches, … Continue reading

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Tracy Beanz 12-8-17… “Q Clearance Anon- Is it #happening? PART X”

More “pieces of data”. I’m finding pulled into this video, which is fairly long (45 minutes), but I very much enjoyed listening and watching all of the pieces of data that she has pulled together here. Of interest to me … Continue reading

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New Q Posting 11-30-17… “Phase I”… “Just wait until next week”

Two people sent this to me today (Mahalo BP & LL), and I felt it was being asked to be posted. Now I’m still not completely familiar where and how all this comes from and how these are “kept up … Continue reading

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Roy Potter 11-29-17… “Intell War Against Americans and Bundy Pre Trial Release”

I do enjoy Roy’s videos. Short, sweet, to the point. One note from this one, regarding the Bundy’s and the Bundy ranch, apparently the ranch itself encompassed a significant uranium deposit, and that is the reason they (“the Feds”) wanted … Continue reading

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The GoldFish Report No. 163 (11-27-17) – Week 45 POTUS Update w. Dr. Jim Fetzer: The Red Pill Report

I’ve listened to much of this one and find it quite exciting how these two (Jim and Louisa) are very enlivened by the Q Clearance outputs, and many other things that are indicating that all of the old paradigms are … Continue reading

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Roy Potter 11-28-17… “Deep State Attacks Q”

This one just came out 6 hours ago. I felt the desire to post it. A key point to remember from this: North Korea = CIA. And we’ve heard this from other sources (I believe Ben Fulford is one of … Continue reading

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Exopolitics.org 11-27-17… “Did President Trump Endorse Q Info on Secret Indictments of Pedophile Network?”

After reading through this, I do believe this is a very significant article by Dr. Salla, connecting many of the dots from the current time to the past. According to the article, all signs point to the (apparent) fact that … Continue reading

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MAGAPill 11-19-17… “Q Clearance Patriot: The Storm and The Awakening” (now only available at Archive.is)

Why am I posting this? Well, it was previously mentioned in this Jordan Sather video (Kp blog link), and it was recently mentioned in an ExoPolitics.org post, which will subsequently be posted here. It seems to be the “Talk of … Continue reading

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Another Tracy Beanz 11-15-17… “/POL/ Q Clearance Anon- Is it #happening? PART VII*” (*actually, Part VIII)

Here’s yet another from Tracy Beanz. This is actually “Part VIII”. The last one was Part VII. So enjoy (or not) this one, as we may view each as “part of the data”. . [youtube=https://youtu.be/4bnM8naXyms&w=600] https://youtu.be/4bnM8naXyms Published on Nov 21, … Continue reading

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TruthEarth.org 11-17-17… “(Part V) Massive Intel Drops on 4Chan by Individual(s) with Highest Level ‘Q’ Clearance & Other Updates (UPDATED)”

So now there’s a Part V in the series of Q Clearance interpretations by Jonathon at TruthEarth.org. Again, this is quite a long article, but, as usual, very informative (and entertaining). Because it is so long (and for me it’s … Continue reading

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Lionel Nation 11-17-17… “Q Clearance Patriot #4chan #QAnon Drops — The Coming Storm & Reconstituted Revolution #Oligarchicide”

I just listened to this Lionel video (where he even mentions the TruthEarth.org Q Clearance interpretations). His enthusiasm and joy level for what is going on right now is well worth listening to (in my view). . [youtube=https://youtu.be/jdQssqNXea0&w=600] https://youtu.be/jdQssqNXea0 . … Continue reading

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One more video from Tracy Beanz 11-15-17… “/POL/ Q Clearance Anon- Is it #happening? Perspectives and Part VII” (and a short bit about Trump’s speech today)

Here’s one more from Tracy Beanz. I mentioned her Trump speech remarks in this prior Kp blog post. So enjoy (or not) this one, as we may view each as “part of the data”. . [youtube=https://youtu.be/-_CiGdfGlSM&w=600] https://youtu.be/-_CiGdfGlSM Published on Nov … Continue reading

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TruthEarth.org 11-14-17… “(Part IV) Massive Intel Drops on 4Chan by Individual(s) with Highest Level ‘Q’ Clearance & Other Updates (UPDATED)”

Here is Part IV in the series of Q Clearance interpretations by Jonathon at TruthEarth.org. So this is quite a long article. He even includes a Kim Dotcom Tweet, and remarks from David Wilcock and Corey Goode about what is … Continue reading

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TruthEarth.org 11-11-17… “(Part III) Massive Intel Drops on 4Chan by Individual(s) with Highest Level ‘Q’ Clearance & Other Updates”

This is another in the series of Q Clearance interpretations by Jonathon at TruthEarth.org, and goes with Part I (Kp blog post) and Part II (Kp blog post). There is an emphasis, at the end (with many links and references), … Continue reading

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TruthEarth.org 11-6-17… “(Part II) Massive Intel Drops on 4Chan by Individual(s) with Highest Level ‘Q’ Clearance (UPDATED)”

This is a follow up to Part I (Kp blog post), and is also a very long article, but, again, I found it extremely informative and illuminating. Especially fascinated by the order of “take downs”, namely Saudi Arabia (SA), United … Continue reading

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TruthEarth.org 11-4-17… “Massive Intel Drops on 4Chan by Individual(s) with Highest Level ‘Q’ Clearance (Updated)”

This is a very long article, but I found it extremely informative and illuminating. I read the entire thing this morning before arising. The second part is equally so. I’ve placed a few highlights below. “…it is interesting that they … Continue reading

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One more Video from Tracy Beanz 11-10-17… “/POL/ Q Clearance Anon- Is it #happening? PART V” (or, “Holy Crap, even more AND more coming out!!)

Here’s one more from Tracy Beanz (prior Kp blog post 1, post 2, post 3, post 4). And yes, though there’s still quite a bit here, and although I’m not here to just post Tracy Beanz videos, all of this … Continue reading

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New Video from Tracy Beanz 11-9-17… “/POL/ Q Clearance Anon- Is it #happening? PART IV and a breadcrumb” (or, “Holy Crap, even MORE coming out!!)

I listened to this earlier and, although perhaps not quite as “explosive” as earlier Beanz (prior Kp blog post 1, post 2, post 3), there’s still quite a bit here. Related to this is the latest compilation jpeg of Q … Continue reading

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And now, a new video from Jordan Sather (that ties in with the Tracy Beanz one) 11-7-17… “Storm is Getting Stormier/ SKYKINGS/ Help From Above?” (or, once again, “Holy Crap, there’s a lot coming out!! (baby!!))

Once again, as in the last post, I’m listening to this right now, and I am very grateful to Jordan for bringing all these threads and breads (crumbs, as Q anon calls them), and other stuff. I was personally fascinated … Continue reading

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New Video from Tracy Beanz 11-7-17… “/POL/ Q Clearance Anon- Is it #happening? PART III” (or, “Holy Crap, there’s a lot coming out!! (baby!!))

I’m listening to this right now and, once again, I am “pulled in” to what she reads and discusses (prior Kp blog post 1, post 2). This new (to me) thread website is https://qanon.000webhostapp.com/. Check it out, baby!! . [youtube=https://youtu.be/Ky2cL4W5WZ8&w=600] … Continue reading

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Update from “MegaAnon” and the “Q Clearance” (and another video update from Tracy Beanz) (11-5-17)

Well, MegaAnon just recently (11-4) reappeared. So I’m separating this into 2 parts: 1) Highlighhts from the new MegaAnon and recent Q clearance posts, 2) the Tracy Beanz video. These are all just a taste, and I recommend those interested … Continue reading

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