Tag Archives: pyramid


This was a day of revelations. Several beings made their presence visible in the videos that came from today’s mission steps. Go to my YouTube page to see them. As I had seen two years ago, there was a connection … Continue reading

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New Header…for Egypt…and All of Us…

At this time, I felt that it was time to honor the people, history, and Spirit of Egypt by putting up this new header. This was taken with my iPhone as we walked back from our journey by the pyramids. … Continue reading

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Egypt…More About what “Caused” the Changes…

In my earlier Egypt post (Egypt, the Middle East, and the New Energies) I mentioned… “In particular, the group with which I was working in October, 2009, in Peru, and April, 2010, in Egypt, played a critical role in these … Continue reading

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Egypt, the Middle East, and the New Energies…

Tomorrow I am likely on the road for the 11:11 1-11-11 event. So for the moment I am just posting these links to some information about what is occurring in Egypt and much of the rest of the Middle East. … Continue reading

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