Tag Archives: Portal2012

Cobra Update 7-16-12…”Keeping the Balance”

I was about to head out the door and receive some Sol-Light, and got this email from Cobra that a new post was out. I was particularly interested in the astrological alignment he discusses. Just a couple hours ago, I … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 7-15-12… “Layers of Conspiracy”

Just received notice about this update. And what’s been going on behind scenes. Some of this describes a bit of dark groups, but there are some rays of hope here. This was “validated” in my mind by this photo (taken … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 7-13-12…”The Plan Expanded”

As soon as I saw this update from Cobra, it rang a bell. I guess that was my bell. However, it did ring, loud and clear. One reason it rang so loud, perhaps, was that I had noticed this post … Continue reading

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Update to Cobra Message of 7-5-12…

Just found this at LadyDragon’s site. It’s also posted at the bottom of Cobra’s last post. Here is what it says: “P.S. Through the years, top members of the Cabal have created many protective defence mechanisms around them in case … Continue reading

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Cobra Interview 7-3-12 by Alexandra Meadors… MP3s (Woo Hoo!!!)

Well, fans, thanks to ahm101 and Bettie, who sent me links to the mp3s and their locations, we can now download and play these MP3s from Alexandra’s interview with Cobra, at our own convenience (however, I could not actually right-click-save-as-and-download … Continue reading

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Cobra Message 7-5-12…”White Knights – the Cavalry is Coming”

This update by Cobra is simple and to the point. Many here, I know, are a part of this “White Knights” group. The point of “when will it happen” is addressed in the last highlight. Let’s be patient, and know … Continue reading

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Cobra Interview 7-3-12 by Alexandra Meadors…TRANSCRIPT

The link to this transcript was sent to me by Suzan. Many thanks. I started writing a highlight or two, and got so engrossed that it became a whole LOAD of Highlights. It’s a long interview, but some of you … Continue reading

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Cobra 7-3-12… Recent Weather Events "…are a direct result of increased Sun activity… not a result of HAARP or artificial weather modification… The Cabal is not that powerful anymore"

According to this Cobra post today, he’s saying, “Sorry, folks, it’s not the Cabal. It’s just ‘a milder version of the famous Carrington Event, which was a solar superstorm that hit our planet back in 1859’.” Darn that Carrington! Darn … Continue reading

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"Green Light Update" from Cobra [REPOST with Highlights]

I chose to repost this “Green Light Party” update from Cobra, as there was a challenge or two when I posted from my phone and seems like it got posted twice. I’ve included some highlights. Cobra goes into a few … Continue reading

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Cobra 6-28-12… "Omega Phoenix Approved"

Cobra 6-28-12… “Omega Phoenix Approved This new information from Cobra is via the two links below (found at NesaraNews.blogspot.com; thank you John McH.). And this is “hot” information in my view and the key points are at the top of … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 6-25-12…"Uranus square Pluto – Archons Activity" [Kp note] IMPORTANT UPDATE… "Goddess wants peace. And peace shall come"

[UPDATE 1330 HST: in LadyDragon’s article about this, she added this comment: “This is what Cobra said to LadyDragon today; ‘There is no need for war. If focused and well prepared action is taken, it can be done peacefully, please … Continue reading

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REPOST: Reminder of the World Liberation Meditation Tomorrow (Sunday, 6-24-12) via Cobra

[This is a repost of this earlier blog article.] This is from Cobra at 2012portal.blogspot.com. He is asking for a weekly meditation, Sundays, to continue to bring in Light to assist clearing out the cabal and setting the stage for … Continue reading

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Posted by Cobra 6-23-12… "Tonight in Babylon"

Thanks to freewolf7, who pointed me to this new post by Cobra. May want to check some of the comments as well. I’m not saying anything here, just passing this along. Could be a coded message. Could be a coded … Continue reading

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Cobra Article 6-18-12…"The Veil"… (or, "How to Keep a Planet 'Buggered'")

I was very drawn to this new Cobra article (found thanks to NesaraNews) and subsequently fascinated as I read it. From other sources, particularly Tolec (see this article about the reptilian “Let’s Get ’em All Pissed Off At Each Other” … Continue reading

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Cobra, Portal 2012… "Weekly Liberation Meditations"… (or, "The Gaia's Lib Movement")

This is from Cobra at 2012portal.blogspot.com. He is asking for a weekly meditation, Sundays, to continue to bring in Light to assist clearing out the cabal and setting the stage for mass arrests, and planetary liberation. I’d have to call … Continue reading

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Cobra… "Surrender of the Cabal Meditation" for Sunday, 6-10-12

[UPDATE 1: this is post number 1444] [UPDATE 2: this Cobra message kind of harmonizes with this post’s message, esp. related to the cabal surrender, and including a number of strong emotional reactions to “stuff” in talk shows, discussions, and … Continue reading

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Cobra from 2012 Portal 6-7-12, "Negotiations Update"… "[Cobra's] Sources… Confirmed Intel From Drake’s Last Interview"…and "The Challenge with Archons…"

This is a very significant post by Cobra. Very significant. Browsing Nesara News, I ran across this post here, and found out that Cobra had confirmed Drake’s intel from yesterday’s call (video here; MP3s here) via his (her?) sources. Cobra … Continue reading

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Interview of Cobra (Portal 2012) by Galactic Free Press

I’m sure many of you (including even possibly, me) have already seen this interview of Cobra, the writer of 2012portal.blogspot.com. Anyway, it showed up today at Nesara News here, and was apparently published on May 15, 2012, at Galactic Free … Continue reading

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Return of the Goddess, 6-5-2012 (and Her Update)… from Portal 2012

Well I finally felt the movement to put this up here, from Portal 2012. It may be helpful to some of you/us. My own view of this is that it is a key point on the 2012 timeline events. Here … Continue reading

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Portal 2012, 5-25-12… Continuing to Dissolve the Grid, on 5-27-12

[UPDATE 1640 HST: The 5-27-12 date appears to be significant according to this site someone pointed me to (rather new, apparently); “Activation of North American transition portals complete as of 5-21-12… There will be a resting period of 7 days … Continue reading

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