Tag Archives: Portal2012

Cobra Interview 3-25-16 by Cary Kirastar Ellis… VIDEO & TRANSCRIPT

This is a 30 minute interview of Cobra. I’ve not yet listened. Thanks to Cary Kirastar Ellis for doing this. Cobra Planetary Liberation Update – What You Can Do! – 21st Century Superhuman Show . [youtube=https://youtu.be/YIHkxMYR3p4&w=500] https://youtu.be/YIHkxMYR3p4 Join Host author … Continue reading

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Cobra Interview 3-21-16 by Prepare for Change… AUDIO player, TRANSCRIPT

This is an hour long interview of Cobra. I’ve not yet listened. Thanks to Lynn for doing this. 03-21-16 Cobra: March Interview Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He … Continue reading

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A Couple of Cobras… 3 of 3… "Cobra interview 1-19-15 by: www.AshtarSheranradio.com"

[youtube=http://youtu.be/77iF-YJ9GNs&w=500] http://youtu.be/77iF-YJ9GNs Published on Jan 19, 2015 Via: www.AshtarSheranRADIO.COM & www.AshtarTV.COM On January 2015, I had the honor to interview a great Spiritual being. Code Name: COBRA About Cobra Cobra is a codename for the writer of Portal 2012 blog. … Continue reading

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A Couple of Cobras… 2 of 3… "Cobra interview 1-13-15 by Untwine"… VIDEO and Transcript

Here is the first of two short interviews Cobra has posted. The link for this Untwine interview is http://recreatingbalance1.blogspot.tw/2015/01/cobra-interview-13th-january-2015.html. I actually found this YouTube very easy to listen to, as there was no Cobra voice modulation. . [youtube=http://youtu.be/hEfcuX9x0uo&w=500] http://youtu.be/hEfcuX9x0uo Transcript … Continue reading

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A Couple of Cobras… 1 of 3… "Strange Eggs" (and stuff that I have no idea exactly what it means))

Thanks to Kizam who pointed out that “items” were appearing at Cobra’s blog, so I checked it out, and here’s what was posted in the last 3 days. Wednesday, January 21, 2015 RR5 complete RR6 Thursday, January 22, 2015 STRANGE … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 6-18-14… Clarification about "I.S.I.S."… "Isis does not support ISIS, Isis wants peace, and peace it will be"

Cobra just published this article today. One of the questions posed to him for an upcoming interview was “Is all this ISIS (ISIL) terrorist group business in Iraq another cabal type operation, to stir the pot?” Apparently he felt it … Continue reading

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Cobra Interview 1-21-14, with Laura Eisenhower and Dr. Dream… MP3s

This relates to this post, and this YouTube video. I had not listened to this as of the post of 1-25-14. But today I did, and, again, found it very informative and uplifting., Particularly, I enjoyed listening to the comments … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 11-25-13… “Opening of the Aion Portal Report”

This is certainly one of many important pieces occurring at this time in our planet’s Ascension process. —————————————————————- Opening of the Aion Portal Report We have opened the Aion portal! We have reached the critical mass! The videos alone had … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 10-30-13… “New Advanced Technologies”

[Found this here.] This “new technology” is here. And I know there are many others that will be coming out. The more that comes out, and the more of the “it’s here now” message goes out, more and more they … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 10-15-13… “Planetary Situation Update: Etheric Plane”

Planetary Situation Update: Etheric Plane There is a massive clearing of the etheric plane in progress in the last few months and it was accelerated even further after the successful activation of the Peace Portal on August 25th. As a … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 10-12-13… “Window of Opportunity 2013”

This Cobra update appeared today, and I felt there were some points in this that aligned with some of the dates I have seen (for myself, from within myself). Particularly the 10-18, and 11-23. The highlights for me are below. … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 10-7-13… “Pre-Event Developments”

http://2012portal.blogspot.ca/2013/10/pre-event-developments.html Irrationally, the Illuminazi faction of the Cabal has triggered a partial government shutdown in the United States, hoping to prepare ground for martial law later down the road. Needless to say, their plans will NOT be allowed to succeed … Continue reading

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LightWorkerSXM: “Understanding the Resistance Posts [Cobra] and GAIA Portal Posts”

Some of you may find this useful. There is an explanation of what LightWorkerSXM (Dave) views as Cobra’s meaning of some of the more “vague” Cobra posts, and a brief mention of GaiaPortal, which I have posted here occasionally. Here … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 9-27-13… “Planetary Situation Update: The New Financial System”

Even though I do not always post “the Cobra” updates, I was very keen to read what he had to say about “The New Financial System”. In this Cobra update, he gives a synopsis of that. “The Event will happen … Continue reading

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Portal 2012 Update 7-14-13… “Prepare for Change” (and New Website)

This one from Cobra and Company seemed to hit something within me, and I sense it is pointing to something several posts have noted… that something “major” (whatever that means) is about to take place (or show itself, or unveil … Continue reading

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Portal2012 4-24-13… “The Secret Space Program”

I have not posted Cobra for some time, but I found myself drawn in to this report about the secret space program. The information felt very “right” to me. So I post here. ——————————————- The Secret Space Program Time has … Continue reading

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11-01-12…”New Cobra Interview by Golden Rule”… “COBRA on the Day of Decision, The Master Plan, and Drake”

I felt this video of an interview with Cobra should be posted. There are many working toward bringing the planet to a state of Higher Consciousness/Ascension. Cobra is one of them. Here is the link containing this video. http://golden-rule.org/2012/10/26/cobra-on-the-day-of-decision-the-master-plan-and-drake . … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 10-25-12…”Stream of Positive Free Will”

KP note: Just saw this current Cobra post and felt very uplifted reading it, so I post here for all to read. Notice that this title reads, “Stream of Positive Free Will”. Not just any free will. We’ve all got … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 10-18-12…”Power of Decision” and the October 21…

Power of Decision Our decision is the key that shapes the world. Decision is the spark of free will that ignites the cycle which brings everything into manifestation. Humanity as a whole has invited the dark forces on this planet … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 10-15-12…”Cobra Conferences Around the World”

This Cobra post reviews the conferences coming up which he is organizing. Some will be drawn to these. There are several other conferences and meetings coming up, including the 2012 Scenario conferences, so those who wish to participate have quite … Continue reading

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Recent Events from Inelia Benz and Cobra

Four posts here, one from Inelia Benz, and three from Cobra, describe upcoming participation possibilities. Use Higher Discernment and see what applies for you. http://ascension101.com/en/home/ascension-blog/67-october-2012/277-call-to-action-change-of-human-collective-operating-sytem.html http://2012portal.blogspot.ca/2012/10/make-this-viral-dayof-decision-10-21.html http://2012portal.blogspot.ca/2012/10/day-of-decision-update-groups-are-being.html http://2012portal.blogspot.ca/2012/10/the-masterplan-experience-especially-in.html

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Cobra Update 10-2-12…”Galactic Confederation”

This update from Cobra clarifies some of the terms that are often “thrown around” out there by channels, and analyzers of those channels. (could that include me??? “There are many beings on this planet claiming to have contact with this … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 9-5-12…”Brotherhood of the Star”

[UPDATE: here is the link to Cobra’s article about the first group, the “White Nobility“] As I read and highlighted this latest Cobra article, I found more and more which “interested” me. More correctly, I found more and more which … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 8-30-12…”Cobra Conferences Around the World”

Cobra has announced in this article that he will be holding conferences at 6 different locations throughout the world, starting with Turin in October, 2012. Some of you may have interest in attending. For some reason I was particularly drawn … Continue reading

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Note from Cobra 8-25-12…”Message to the General Population”… “Everyone… focus upon the Light”

This piece from Cobra came out today, and I felt it aligned with, for example, yesterday’s post here, and a few others (check out Stephen Cook’s post yesterday (well, today)) that describe a “sense” that something of major significance is … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 8-10-12…”Beyond the Veil”

I was just about to go to bed, and had just posted this article (I mean, just posted it), when immediately after, got an email from Cobra saying that he had posted this new update. And I felt it aligned … Continue reading

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Recent COBRA Interviews on ShiftIsHappeningTV.com, 7-20-12 and 7-30-12… MP3s

Cobra just came out with a new post (which I intend to put up here as soon as I finish with this). So I felt these would fit in well here. I listened to most of the first and second … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 7-30-12… “The Plan and What You Can Do”

For some reason, felt the desire to post this, with a caveat or two. Some of this I personally align with, some, I do not. At this time at least. Please use your own Higher Discernment. The first, second, and … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 7-26-12…”Explosion of Light”

Today this article by Cobra came to my attention. I will simply say what I often say when something “hits” that spot of, “Yes, you are correct, sir (or ma’am)!”… And that is, “Wow!” So let me get this straight… … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 7-22-12…”The Red Pill”

As I attempted to wake up this morning, and found that I would not wake up, or at least would not get out of bed, I finally checked my emails and found a link to this new update from Cobra … Continue reading

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