Tag Archives: poroshenko

More CC (Cabal Collapse), anyone?… Lada Ray Futurist Trendcast 12-4-16… “BREAKING! Trump Prepares to Drop Ukraine: Operation Poroshenko Dump”

This just came out from Lada Ray. As is now occurring all over the planet, the collapse of formerly cabal-held assets is happening. Lada Ray’s predictions for this part of the world have been consistently right on the mark. And … Continue reading

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TASS 2-3-15… "Crowd of several hundred tries to storm Ukrainian presidential administration office", and "Protesters in Kiev hand over 'call-up notice' to President Poroshenko"

Well, something (positive?) is going on in the Ukraine. I know Lada Ray also posted this article about it, “Breaking! Maidan 2 Storms Poroshenko’s Administration in Kiev“. She wrote, “Details are scant, but a few days ago various ukro-nazi battalions … Continue reading

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RT 8-26-14… “Russian and Ukrainian leader meet for face-to-face talks in Belarus – Kremlin”

I’m not sure exactly why I’m posting it, but this felt significant. —————————————————– Russian and Ukrainian leader meet for face-to-face talks in Belarus – Kremlin The much anticipated one-on-one meeting between Presidents Vladimir Putin and Petro Poroshenko has begun in … Continue reading

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