Tag Archives: Pope Francis

The Event Chronicle 2-10-16… “Disclosure, Mass Arrests Rumor: Pope Francis signed off on what is being called a binding “Galactic Agreement” this past Sunday” (now… try to prove that!)

Yes, I’ve seen this a couple places, and it does sound “great”. Perhaps when I see Pope Francis flying around in his Galacto-Pope-Mobile ship, flying to all the indigenous cultures which have suffered at the hands of “the Vatican”, I’ll … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 2-8-16… “First meeting between Pope and Russian Patriarch in 1000 years aimed at Khazarian Satanists”

Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. Seems like BIG news. Highlights below. “The first meeting between the head of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Pope in 1000 years is aimed at cementing an alliance against the Satan worshipping … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 2-8-16… “First meeting between Pope and Russian Patriarch in 1000 years aimed at Khazarian Satanists”

A new weekly report from Ben. Seems like BIG news. Highlights below. “The first meeting between the head of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Pope in 1000 years is aimed at cementing an alliance against the Satan worshipping Khazarian … Continue reading

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EatLocalGrown (date?)… “Why The Pope Just Slammed GMOs”

I know this was recent, but I could not find a publication date in this article. Anyway, here seems to be some strong movement from Pope Francis against GMOs. I have no idea what an encyclical is, but it sounds … Continue reading

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Two Articles from 6-2-15… “The Pope… Disclosure… Aliens… Is it Spin?… Is it Disinfo?”

There we go. I’m not spending any “analysis” time on these. I post the title, link, and a paragraph. And encourage readers to not get too “Poped out” after reading these. Dr. Michael Salla, “Disinfo games: Pope to disclose truth … Continue reading

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This is HUGE for Cuba/US, Part 3/3… RT 12-17-14… "Pope Francis unexpected hero of US-Cuba relations breakthrough"

Pope Francis unexpected hero of US-Cuba relations breakthrough Pope Francis has congratulated both the US and Cuba on restoring relations, as the Vatican together with Canada were confirmed to have played a significant role in the talks which broke 50 … Continue reading

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Dalai Lama refused an audience with The Pope… A Few Article Links…

I have heard that Ben Fulford mentioned this in today’s article. So I checked around and here, indeed, are some links that validate that. http://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2014/12/11/pope-wont-meet-dalai-lama-out-of-china-concerns http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-30455187 http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/dec/12/pope-francis-denies-dalai-lama-audience-china-concerns

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Steve Beckow 5-30-14… "St. Germaine on the Charges Being Leveled against Pope Francis"

I know this is a “channeled” message (and I’m not posting as many of those now than I used to), but, I’m posting this one, for one reason… despite of all the things that have been portrayed about Pope Francis, … Continue reading

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Exopolitics Blog (ALW) 5-23-14: "Kevin Annett: Defendant Jesuit Superior General announces resignation; Vatican rumors Pope Bergoglio’s bad health and resignation to avoid Satanic 9th circle murder evidence"

[Update 1834 HST: The second half of this Kevin discusses his work in helping to train people to set up Common Law courts, and what many many localities are doing in this regard.] I felt this was so significant that … Continue reading

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Kevin Annett 4-29-14… "ITCCS Delegation and Dignitaries to accompany Rev. Kevin Annett to Rome and London to enforce Annulment Order against the Church of Rome and of England"

ITCCS Delegation and Dignitaries to accompany Rev. Kevin Annett to Rome and London to enforce Annulment Order against the Church of Rome and of England A Public Communique issued jointly by Rev. Kevin Annett and the ITCCS Executive Tuesday, April … Continue reading

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Kevin Annett 4-17-14…”Public Information Update from The Prosecutor’s Office of The International Common Law Court of Justice”

For those who wish to check out the latest information about “the Matter of the People v. Bergoglio, Pachon, Welby and others”, you may go to this ITCCS.org link to read the entire article. I’ve posted the summary below. (Thanks … Continue reading

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From ITCCS 2-3-14…”Pope Francis is named by former Argentine junta insider as “prime mover” in child trafficking network”

Now here’s another article of a type I normally have not posted. However, I feel the information in this video and report is very very much related to the latest Cobra interview, in which he states (as he has many … Continue reading

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