Tag Archives: organic farming

A Couple of Videos from the FLOTUS Gardens…

I’m posting these since a) “FLOTUS” sounds like “Flower”, and b) for me, this is one thing that is refreshing to see, gardening being presented to children’s groups visiting the White House by the First Ladies. The first is with … Continue reading

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Vicki Batts, Natural News 3-11-17… “Are we witnessing the fall of Whole Foods?” (…and the rise of “Organic Costco”)

This article is more about the benefits of shopping at Costco for organics, and why people are turning to Costco. For myself, I always look for the “green signs” that mean “it’s organic”, and recently, I was thrilled to buy … Continue reading

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Over Grow the System 2-7-16… “Our food systems are changing for the better thanks to a rising crop of women farmers- Women Who Farm”

I believe this “popped up” in a FB feed, and it just felt extremely “right” for this moment, especially coupled with the last three anti-GMO-type posts. The role of women in farming is perhaps not often brought up, with all … Continue reading

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HuffPo 1-14-16… “Sikkim Is India’s First Fully Organic State”

This seems to be a bit of positive news for the planet. Russia’s banned GMOs, other counrties are doing the same, and now Sikkim is fully organic. “Sikkim has become India’s first fully organic state by converting around 75,000 hectares … Continue reading

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TruthOut 11-26-14… "United Nations Calls for an End to Industrialized Farming"

With all the GMO vs. citizens of Hawaii news coming out recently, from Jon Rapoport recently, this report is a big call for ending industrialized farming. In the end, that’s what all the GMO type ag research here on the … Continue reading

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