Tag Archives: Northfiled News

Jim Fetzer VT 2-22-15… "Northfield, MN, Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing"

This piece by Jim, about his experiences with Northfield, MN, Carleton College and staff, and the Northfield News, are perhaps valuable to see how “data which exposes people to valid alternative theories” to the mainstream (e.g., CMM, Controlled Mass Media), … Continue reading

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Northfield [MN] News 2-9-15… "Fetzer brings controversial views to new venue in Northfield"

This relates to this prior post. Well, it finally happened. Someone in Northfield MN is advocating for “free speech” by giving Jim Fetzer a locale for speaking. His talk, entitled, “Free Speech and Terrorism: Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombing”, … Continue reading

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