Tag Archives: New Zealand

Activist Post 6-3-15… “New Zealand Now Recognizes ALL Animals As Sentient Beings!”

Anyone who has connected in their own way with animals, birds, etc., knows this to be true. Yes, I know there are “contracts” some species may be under to allow their use as food sources, but that may eventually come … Continue reading

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SputnikNews 3-5-15… "Snowden Docs: New Zealand Collects 'Full-Take' Data for NSA, 'Five Eyes'"… aka, "Pacific Islanders, 5-Eyes is Watching You"

Well, this is not a surprise. But I do feel the cartoon with the conch shell blowing islander is being heard far and wide into the GCSB network. It is being dissolved, like all the others, via these revelations. “The … Continue reading

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