Tag Archives: MrFusion

MrFusion RMN 1-9-18… “MegaAnon from last night and this morning”

There may be some data here a few may be interested in. Honestly, I’m posting it because I had fun reading it! (I also find that reading these helps me clearly understand that following these “chan boards”, etc., are not … Continue reading

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MrFusion, RMN 1-7-18… “MegaAnon on 4chan last night. Evidence that Q was established by ShareBlue to larp against MegaAnon”

There were a few points, which I’ve highlighted, that “stuck out” for myself in this one. This connects also with this prior Kp blog post with TracyBeanz interviewing Jerome Corsi, about all of the Q stuff, the LARPing, etc. The … Continue reading

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