Tag Archives: Monsanto

Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo.com 10-23-18… “Bayer Stock Crashes After Monsanto Cancer Verdict Upheld By Judge; Analyst Estimates $800 Billion In Future Liability”

This is certainly big time news, and according to one analyst, conceivably could end up costing Monsanto over $800 billion! And hopefully is a huge step to ending the poisoning of our planet by corporations like Monsanto, Bayer, et al. … Continue reading

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Mike Adams, Natural News 8-11-18… “Monsanto hit with $290 million cancer liability ruling in Roundup (glyphosate) herbicide trial”

I knew this was quite important when I first read about it, but Mike Adams points out how this could possibly lead to Monsanto’s financial downfall. We shall see. Found this at RMN. “A San Francisco jury found Monsanto (now … Continue reading

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CBS Sacramento 1-27-17… “Court Rules Against Monsanto, Allows California To Put Cancer Warning On Roundup”

This is a potentially great step in Californians’ attempt to get “carcinogen” attached to Roundup products. I’m very “sad” (not) that “the labels would have immediate financial consequences for the company [and] many consumers would see the labels and stop … Continue reading

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Vicki Batts, Natural News 10-27-16… “Nestle to launch new non-GMO products … How shocked will Monsanto be?”

This is a sign that we are making a difference, in how we eat and what we choose to eat. This is not an endorsement of corporation Nestle, which is taking California water for profit. But it does show that … Continue reading

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Ecosnippets 8-6-16… “Monsanto Losing Millions As Farmers In India Rebel & Plant Indigenous Cotton Seed”

As many countries increasingly seem to be willing now to stand up to Monsanto, and other biotech “giants”, freedom from bio-tyranny is being claimed. All in USA CORP land can feel relieved that many non-aligned (namely, non-aligned with THE CORP) … Continue reading

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Standing Up to Monsanto, 3/3… NaturalBlaze.com 8-13-16… “U.S. Backed Opposition in Venezuela Attempts to Usher in Monsanto”

This article goes into some of the geopolitics and maneuverings that have gone on with, naturally, THE USA CORP heading the way trying to overthrow governments and cause unrest to those countries opposing the entry and operation of big ag … Continue reading

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Standing Up to Monsanto, 2/3… NaturalBlaze.com 8-12-16… “Monsanto Backs Out of Seed Plant in Argentina After Protests”

[Kp note: pardon but I had the same introduction on this one as in part 1… now corrected.] This is the second Natural Blaze article about Monsanto and Argentina people, and the success of those people in standing up to … Continue reading

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Standing Up to Monsanto, 1/3… NaturalBlaze.com 8-10-16… “Argentina Has a “City of Death” Thanks to Monsanto”

This was seen a few days ago, and when I looked a bit more, there were a couple more potentially useful and educational Natural Blaze articles about how many of the Argentine people are “Standing Up to Monsanto”… just as … Continue reading

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Will Peeing lead to Monsanto’s downfall?… EcoWatch 5-12-16 “Results of Glyphosate Pee Test Are in ‘And It’s Not Good News’”

This was too much fun not to post. And it just occurred to me that this might be one way to finally get people (lawmakers) to vote for getting rid of Roundup (glyphosate) and all other pesticides that are harmful … Continue reading

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Katherine Frisk VT 4-20-16… “South Africans rise in the thousands against US Agro-chem giant Monsanto”

This is another important movement against the GMO giant Monsanto, this time from South Africa. MAMSA (March Against Monsanto South Africa) is gearing up for a march on May 21, 2016. This is part of a global March Against Monsanto, … Continue reading

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Natural New 3-20-16… “Monsanto suffers week of devastating defeats as lawmakers back away from biotech influence and intimidation”

Great news for people… not so great for Big-Ag companies like Monsanto. ” Monsanto may hold a near-monopoly on the world’s seed supply, but it cannot control the minds, hearts and voices of those who support and demand clean, healthy … Continue reading

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Pro Surfer Kelly Slater 2-1-16… “Vote nobody 2016, investigate 9/11 and stop Monsanto” (from HangtheBankers and WeAreChange)

This appeared (via FB feed) at HTB and WeAreChange. The article pretty much summarizes how I see this, with people all over the world “waking up” and speaking out. “Like many people, the 11-time world surfing champion began questioning things … Continue reading

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A Couple of Monsanto [and Dow] Defeats… Natural News 1-20-16… “Monsanto has terminated 16% of its workforce” & “EPA revokes approval of… glyphosate herbicide… Enlist Duo”

[Kp note: Enlist Duo is actually a product of Dow AgroSciences, not Monsanto.] What? Monsanto laying off employees” And the EPA actually revoking approval for something? My question is, why would anyone even conceive of approving a combination of two … Continue reading

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“Cabal Corporation Closedown”, 2 of 2… Natural News, 1-8-16… “Monsanto emails reveal coercion of university scientists to advertise harmful GMO products”

Surprise, surprise. This is perhaps similar in coverage to other related posts from this blog about “emails and Monsanto”. Hope these “corporate people” at Monsanto are enjoying seeing their clothes being removed. “A series of secret emails between Monsanto employees … Continue reading

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“Cabal Corporation Closedown”, 1 of 2… RT, 1-6-16… “Monsanto announces 1,000 job cuts after first-quarter losses”

I’m sure that many of the execs at Monsanto are shaking in their boots about the awakening consciousness around the planet. My “surmise” is that we’ll be seeing a lot more of this type of news in the coming weeks/months. … Continue reading

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William Engdahl, New Eastern Outlook 1-3-16… “Victory in Paris vs Monsanto GMO Cabal”

This is quite BIG, in my view. This appears to be one of those breakthrough cases with GMO and Monsanto, which will likely be seeing much more of in the coming year as the old paradigms close out. And this … Continue reading

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An Excellent Example of “CBS” (or, “CEO-BS”), from Monsanto’s CEO…VIDEO

[youtube=https://youtu.be/VQ9YdDsGCVg&w=550] https://youtu.be/VQ9YdDsGCVg VERY IMPORTANT… Recommended to all viewers: put on your bullshit-deflection parkas and breathing apparatus when viewing this one. It (the BS) is thick, convoluted, and smelly. (also, some may wish to send Light and Love to this guy, … Continue reading

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Inhabitat.com 12-9-15… “Mark Ruffalo confronts Monsanto chief: ‘You are poisoning people.'”

This indicates to me that many in the public eye are continuing the “wake-up” and are calling out the corporate BS that has enveloped the consciousness of many in the world. “Recently, a chance meeting with Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant … Continue reading

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Gary Ruskin, U.S. Right to Know 11-24-15… “Journalists Failed to Disclose Sources’ Funding from Monsanto: A Short Report”

This was also published at Alternet, with the catchy title, “New York Times and Washington Post Journalists Failed to Disclose Sources’ Funding From Monsanto (also: New Yorker, The Atlantic, ABC News, Forbes and others)“. I’m sure a few have heard … Continue reading

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F. William Engdahl, NEO 11-19-15… “GMO Chickens Coming Home to Roost” (and he ain’t talkin’ about “GMO chickens”)

This indicates to me that the overall population of the planet is waking up to such an extent that the elimination of the “GMO corporations” is inevitable. “…Monsanto seemed unstoppable. With the help of [George H.W.] Bush, who made a … Continue reading

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RT 11-11-15… “Oakland sues Monsanto for ‘long-standing contamination’ of San Francisco Bay”

Why am I not surprised at this one? More and more Monsanto (and dark companies like them) are being exposed for their unhealthy-for-the-planet activities. Excellent summary of all that’s going on against Monsanto. Found at Galactic Connection. “Agrochemical giant Monsanto … Continue reading

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Minds.com 10-7-15… “MONSANTO TANKING: Posts $495 million quarterly loss and plans to eliminate 2,600 jobs”

This is actually taken from the original post, which has the full text, but I liked the Minds.com title. So I used that one. It does appear that pro-GMO-glyphosate-control-the-world Monsanto is reaping the appropriate rewards for what they’ve been trying … Continue reading

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Natural News 9-11-15… “University of Hawaii faculty call out corrupt, Monsanto-funded college for persecuting professor who supports GMO labeling”

This is from last month, and it indicates to me, at least, that things are headed in an upward direction. An earlier blog post spoke about Professor Valenzuela’s challenges. “A professor at the University of Hawaii’s (UH) College of Tropical … Continue reading

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Signs of the Cabal Demise 5… ‘Three Articles about Monsanto’s Demise”

Just found these three, and if the first two are real, it appears that the truth about Monsanto is coming out. And the last one shows who got this deregulation of GMO/pesticide companies rolling. MONSANTO PROFITS FALL ANOTHER 15% IN … Continue reading

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Signs of the Cabal Demise 3… Four Articles about GMO and Monsanto (and others like them) Going Down

Just found these four yesterday, and read them and see what you get. I get that GMO is being stood up to and companies like Monsanto, et al., are being dismantled, by the people. Particularly the last one, about the … Continue reading

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Eric Lipton, New York Times 9-5-15… “Food Industry Enlisted Academics in G.M.O. Lobbying War, Emails Show”

Well, surprise, surprise… No more need be said. [and pardon me, but doesn’t it seem “unusual” that Monsanto named this GMO product, “Asgrow”? As if to imply, “Anyone who eats this crap and believes it’s “safe for all” is an … Continue reading

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RT 5-24-15… “World stands up against Monsanto: Over 400 cities protest GMOs”

As many know, and likely participated in, there was a worldwide uprising on Saturday for the planet, and in opposition to the large GMO corporations, mainly Monsanto. This RT article has a lot of information, although I’m not sure if … Continue reading

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GreenMedInfo 5-6-15… “Monsanto’s Losing Battle Against GMO Labeling”

This article may be helpful to some who may find themselves in a “GMO is taking over the world” state of mind. I feel it is very important to see and embrace the positive steps we have made in confronting … Continue reading

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Natural Society 5-4-15… “Thousands of Farmers in India Rise up Against Monsanto”

With the recent articles about Kauai, I felt this fit right in with the “popular uprisings” in which humanity worldwide now appears to be actively involved. “…thousands of Indian farmers [are] demonstrating against Monsanto and their biotech cronies in a … Continue reading

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The Lapine 11-27-12… “Monsanto Cucumbers Cause Genital Baldness” (or, “How to ‘get smooth’, ‘down there’, without really shaving”)

[HOLY CRAP!… I’ve been told “The Lapine” is a satirical news site!! Well, it was fun, anyway…] Yes, this is an older one, but I recently saw this via FB, and it is clear this may the most important GMO … Continue reading

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