Tag Archives: middle east

Sputnik News 3-24-15… "Change of Tone? White House Says 50 Years of Israeli Occupation Must End"

This may be a promising development. My only challenge with all these “political” statements and things like that are that they often lead to nothing. Let’s envision this leading to “something” positive for all the Middle East. Here’s another article … Continue reading

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From Kingdom of Hawai’i Blog… Ali`i Nui Mō`ī Edmund K. Silva, Jr., 3-20-15… "Issue of War"

This letter was just posted at the Kingdom of Hawai’i blog. This is the third letter issued by Ali`i Nui Mō`ī Edmund K. Silva, Jr., addressing the momentum toward war in the Middle East. The two previous letters were “Peaceful … Continue reading

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From Kingdom of Hawai’i Blog… Ali`i Nui Mō`ī Edmund K. Silva, Jr., 3-13-15… "Follow Up" to the previous King's Message

This letter was just posted at the Kingdom of Hawai’i blog, and is a follow up to this earlier letter. “You, as leaders, know the path that must be chosen; yet you hesitate to fully engage in what is at … Continue reading

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From Kingdom of Hawai’i Blog… "Ali`i Nui Mō`ī Edmund K. Silva, Jr., 3-5-15… King's Message to the world… 'Peaceful End'"

This was just posted at the Kingdom of Hawai’i blog. I’ve highlighted some of the key points, from my view, below. As all of the dark pieces of this world construct start being exposed and highlighted (by millions of websites), … Continue reading

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RT 8-18-14… “‘Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies’: Thousands call for peace at Tel Aviv rally”

It is my understanding (and intention) that this is the way the Middle East really is. Among the people, at least. Bottom line, from my end, is that this is a piece of the final out-playing of all conflicts in … Continue reading

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A Request to Hold the Light for the Middle East, Israel, and Iran…

This is not a political post, of any kind. I will not post details here. I simply point to this message posted by jhaines6. You may read this if you wish. And follow Higher Guidance. The essence of the recent … Continue reading

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Carl Johan Calleman …The Arab World, the Mayan Calendar, and the End of Dominance…

I refer readers to Carl Johan Calleman’s article, “Will the turmoil in the Arab world come to an end?“. This article has been published elsewhere, I am sure, but it seemed particularly relevant to events at this time. And several … Continue reading

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Celia Fenn: The New Earth Grids, the Middle East and the Tree of Life energies…

With all that is visibly occurring in Egypt, North Africa, and the Middle East, this New Moon period (which was 2/3/11, 0231 UTC) gives us a grand opportunity to help in aligning and establishing the 5D grids, as Celia explains. … Continue reading

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Egypt, the Middle East, and the Platinum Light Transformation of the World…

The global transformation occurring at this time is very “penetrating”. That’s the best word I can think of. It is penetrating because the energies from higher levels are coming into and through everyone and everything. I was just listening to … Continue reading

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