Tag Archives: mass arrests

David Wilcock 3-12-20 Tweets (and a short video) that indicate that it is very likely that “Arrests are Happening… Now!”

[Kp note: pardon but I placed the incorrect video link on first posting.] Someone sent me a link to the video at the end of this (Thank you, LL), and she states arrests have started (however, I do not know … Continue reading

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Mass Arrests 1 of 2… RT 9-24-14… “Over 1,000 arrested in Europe crackdown on organized crime – Europol”

I saw this yesterday, and was not getting to post until later. Then article 2 came forth, which I’ll post after this. I would say this is all interconnected with that wonderful “family of contrast” called “the Cabal”. This is … Continue reading

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Think Nothing’s Happening? Nothing has Changed? Here’s 1362 Examples that it HAS… document, “PROOF of MASS ARRESTS RESIGNATIONS & RETIREMENTS of ELITE”

Thanks to WWP (YouTube name, “styleeffexxx“), who recommended this document. There are 1362 lines in this document, each one listing a PTW type who has resigned, been arrested, died, or whatever. And there are links to most every one. [Recall … Continue reading

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Kp Message… My “Get” on the “Transformations of Government” (in the U.S., at least)

This is my “get”. And only my “get”. Maybe some of you have “got” the same thing that I “get” here, but what I describe below is from my own “Get Central”. Okay, I’ve been reading and listening and wishing … Continue reading

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Another Message of Clarity Re: “Mass Arrests”… from WaveRider1… Synchronicity Anyone?

[Potential commenters please see the note below] Well, I could not NOT post this, an email from Waverider1 (he has his own blog, Waverider1.wordpress.com) related to the last post. This synchronicity is going around. Be sure to catch it! Mahalo … Continue reading

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A Message of Clarity Regarding “Mass Arrests”… from RS

This message from RS came to my inbox today, and I felt strongly that it was to be shared. This may assist some, many, a “mass” of you, as it did me. Thank you, RS, for this. [note: go to … Continue reading

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From AAM via Steve Beckow…"The “Containment” Started Last Monday, June 25, 2012"

Okay, I’ve got that I’ve GOT to post this, now. I’m just emoticon-ing with <33333 vibrations after seeing this. And especially I get that we might not refer to all this "events" business as "mass arrests", but rather, "Mass containments … Continue reading

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The Video which Drake Spoke of on 6-17-12… plus enhanced volume MP3

Once again I post the video to which Drake referred on his radio show today. I have created an MP3 from it, and boosted the volume for easier listening. Here is a link to download (or listen to) the MP3 … Continue reading

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Cobra from 2012 Portal 6-7-12, "Negotiations Update"… "[Cobra's] Sources… Confirmed Intel From Drake’s Last Interview"…and "The Challenge with Archons…"

This is a very significant post by Cobra. Very significant. Browsing Nesara News, I ran across this post here, and found out that Cobra had confirmed Drake’s intel from yesterday’s call (video here; MP3s here) via his (her?) sources. Cobra … Continue reading

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Greg Giles 4-20-12 Message… "All is well, and all is proceeding smoothly and perfectly according to our carefully laid plans"

This Greg message highlights some of the details of what will be a useful approach to the coming events, including the “mass arrests”. The message includes relocations, but more and more I sense that these will be almost inconsequential to … Continue reading

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[UPDATE TO THIS… Disclose.tv NOT Hacked] Update by David Wilcock to "Liens Filed Against All 12 Federal Reserve Banks" article

[UPDATE TO THIS: Disclose.tv was NOT hacked. They put up the “take down” page. They said (sorry, could not find Disclose.tv page; UPDATE: CLICK HERE for the Disclose.tv page): “Greetings, hereby I declare the seizure of the domain name Disclose.tv … Continue reading

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David Wilcock, 4-13-12…"MAJOR EVENT: Liens Filed Against All 12 Federal Reserve Banks"…"The next major milestone for Mass Arrests of the cabal has now arrived"

This new article by David just came out. I am posting a portion here, and give a link to his site at the end. I will post highlights later. I can only say that I sense this is a significant … Continue reading

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