Tag Archives: Las Vegas

David Wilcock Updates to his 10-10-17 article… (and why I’m not posting any of them)

Okay, in this Kp blog post of David’s article, I mentioned I’d be posting the updates separately. But I’m just linking below to… Part 4 …of the article and suggest going to the end. There’s synchronicites and more data and … Continue reading

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David Wilcock 10-10-17… “Vegas Terror and Disclosure: Is Something Very Big About to Happen?”

While I was on Maui/Lanai for the last mission, I published only the link to this article. In this posting, I am including text only, and no links or images. I will post David’s updates to his article separately. I’ve … Continue reading

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“More Information (than you may want) about lots of the ‘Holy Crap’ that’s going on around the planet”… as of 10-2-17

These are mostly videos, and a couple links. I’m not evaluating any of them, but the Las Vegas one looks like a false flag, the Puerto Rico business like a mixture of things, Catalonia… well, just like Hawai’i (namely, those … Continue reading

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