Tag Archives: KONY 2012

A Message… and… This is The Last Thing I Will Write About the KONY 2012 Video… "We have Crossed the Chasm"

I refer you to a previous blog post I wrote here called, “Why I Post what I Post.” After yesterday’s KONY 2012 video post, it seemed a firestorm erupted. Comments here, comments there, that this is a disinfo movie, that … Continue reading

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Clif High 3-9-12…"Conceptual context threshold"

This is a post by Clif High from today (found it at RMN), and his view about the release of the video in the last post. He views the release of the video thusly (and I believe when he says … Continue reading

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[Comments Closed] KONY 2012… Invisible Children… and Clif High…

This has become too much right now. There is enough challenge to this video, that I am taking it off now. Click here or click the photo upper left if you want to be directed to the video. In the … Continue reading

Posted in apocalypse, ascension, energies, new energies, releasing, spiritual growth | Tagged , , , | 7 Comments