Tag Archives: John Smallman

From John Smallman 10-16-17… “Please hold Sheldan Nidle in your prayers and meditations”

This was posted on FB a few places, and I felt it should be posted here. This is via John Smallman. I’m sure many will want to share their positive, healing thoughts and vibrations and Light with Sheldan. ——————————————————– Please … Continue reading

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John Smallman, 9-25-11…"The Sense of Excitement Mounts"

Folks, I just posted the last one, and as I did, I found this one, by John Smallman. A quite perfect companion to what was just posted. Highlights Humanity is on course and on schedule for its great awakening. They … Continue reading

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John Smallman, 8-28-11…"A belief is a strange concept"

So there’s temporarily no SaLuSa, and all of the others I usually check are not writing, and then I run across John Smallman and Saul, and felt a resonance with this message. So here it is. This business about “beliefs” … Continue reading

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Juhn Smallman, August 24, 2011…"Excited anticipation is intensifying all over the world"

It seemed this short, but sweet, Juhn Smallman (Saul) fit right in with all the others’ messages. “Immense fields of Love are enveloping the world at this moment in your evolution, so open your hearts to allow them to connect … Continue reading

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John Smallman, 8-3-11…"The tide has turned, Love is sweeping in everywhere"

Today I listened to someone that was saying that it appeared that “the world” was very much at a tipping point. Many things going on that make it evident that many are frustrated with the way things have been, and … Continue reading

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Saul, June 1, 2011… “The very structure of society is heading for major renewal”…

Okay, this is another John Smallman/Saul post, that I again felt gives a most welcome message for this particular time. Two Sauls in a row!! The parts in quotes hit me strongly. “Humanity itself is changing as old aggressive attitudes … Continue reading

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Saul, May 29, 2011… The fact that the end is coming into view is exhilarating…

I felt this positive message would be helpful at this time… ——————————————————————– 05/29/2011 by John Smallman As you are well aware, there is a considerable amount of turmoil occurring on Planet Earth at present, and many of you are becoming … Continue reading

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Saul…Enormous changes are in the offing…

The “air of excited expectancy” Saul speaks of here seems very much in harmony with the last post (Poofness), as well as the last SaLuSa. Perhaps we are indeed at the brink of the major changes we have been anticipating … Continue reading

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Saul (John Smallman) 2-09-11…Your chakra system is being enhanced…

This seemed to fit well with the many recent posts about new energies coming in, the 2-11 2-11, dark ones being removed, Egypt government overthrow, and so on. We cannot carry the old systems into the higher dimensions. Saul points … Continue reading

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