Tag Archives: John McCain

#QAnon #Q Post 1932 (8-26-18)… “Big Week Ahead” (and x22Report and CIR videos explaining the connections)

This post appears, in part, to refer to John McCain, who (presumably) passed away on 8-25-18. According to the videos, it is surmised that this may have been a situation where McCain agreed to be taken out, instead of being … Continue reading

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#QAnon (#Q) Postings 4-7-18… #1081 – 1099… “The Grand Unveiling Continues” (“Syriasly”)

Here’s another 19 Q posts, 1081 through 1099. Most of these are centered on Syria and the various “players” that have appeared in Syria (right, John McCain?). There is also a Jerome Corsi @CBTS_Stream group video discussing most of these. … Continue reading

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John McCain and Hillary Clinton in orthopedic boots?… (or, “a bit of confirmation for the Ben Fulford and David Wilcock recent (11-12-17) posts”)

I believe BF and DW both mentioned that HRC and JM were wearing orthopedic boots (see BF post, DW post). So I felt like looking around a bit, and I did find some references to back up those “orthopedic boot” … Continue reading

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Two RTs 3-30-17 (3-31-17)… “’Assad must go’ no more: US gov’t shifts priorities in Syria” and “Some are ‘ticked off’ about it”

For those looking for data (“evidence”) that something(s) positive happening via the Trump administration, this appears to be one. This very much lines up with the work of Tulsi Gabbard who has introduced bill to stop funding terrorism, and made … Continue reading

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John McCain… still living in the Cold War (“Russia is the devil in everything and everyone”) days…

Get over it, John McCain… Holy Crap, is “Russia is behind everything” the only language you can use? I’m sure he is “controlled” big time, but for someone who appears to have been instrumental in starting and supporting Daesh (see … Continue reading

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A Couple of 2-10-17 Lada Ray’s, 2 of 2… “Deja Vu: Putin’s iconic 2007 Munich speech. Everything he warned about is coming true!”

I viewed this entire 1/2 hour video… and found it refreshingly predictive. According to this, Mr. Putin had called them all out way back in 2007. Please note that she currently has a reader poll asking for input about topics … Continue reading

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David A. Graham, The Atlantic 8-11-16… “Trump’s Latest Accusation: Obama ‘Founded ISIS'”

Found this on the latest False Flag Weekly News links page. As I may have mentioned before, I am not endorsing Donald Trump or any other candidate. I am endorsing the exposure (apocalypse) of the truth. It appears that Mr. … Continue reading

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A Couple of 2-3-16 VTs about… (wait for it)… Russia (oh, and John McCain, too)

These may be of interest to some. As far as “Putin releas[ing] McCain’s POW collaborator file”? Just “wait for it”… guaranteed it’s coming. NATO, US unable to defeat Russia in Baltic: RAND Corp. (Jim Dean) “These NATO moves are playing … Continue reading

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Red Power Media 8-16-15… “[Senator John] McCain Chased Off Reservation By Pissed-Off Navajo Activists (VIDEO)”

As the issue with TMT has come up here on the islands and protectors have stepped in, the same has happened in Navajo Nation (NN). Very powerful message here… “Try and mess with (desecrate) our sacred lands, and you will … Continue reading

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