Tag Archives: Jean Haines

NovoRussia Today 1-18-16… “LEAKED REPORT: Iran Says Top ISIS Commander Was Aboard Captured U.S. Navy Boats”

Well, surprise, surprise… the US Navy appears to have been caught transporting a Daesh commander (sorry, I’m still not going to use the sacred name, “Isis”, for that organization). Very interesting story. Pay special attention to the “Hilarity alert” section … Continue reading

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Jean Haines 12-13-15… “What is it going to take for America to wake up — and how might it happen ? an Opinion by ~Jean”

This article by Jean makes several points about what she feels it’s going to take for “America” to wake up, and points out several other key features about what’s “going on” in the world right now. In my view, there … Continue reading

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Ellen Brown, MaxKeiser.com, 12-12-15… “Reinventing Banking: From Russia to Iceland to Ecuador” [via Jean Haines]

This is quite the fascinating and informative article. I’ve just been reading parts of this, and there is data that shows, that. “Yes, my dear, Santa Claus is indeed bringing new financial systems to this planet.” Here’s what Jean had … Continue reading

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James Corbett 11-22-15… “3 Stories That Show the War of Terror Is A Fraud”

[youtube=https://youtu.be/xC5slIPZ5nI&w=550] https://youtu.be/xC5slIPZ5nI Found this at Jean Haines blog. Great short video about the “war-on-terror fraud”. Published on Nov 22, 2015 SHOW NOTES [detailed below]: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=17032 As the terror hysteria kicks into high gear, the phoney war of terror narrative becomes … Continue reading

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“False Flags” are Pretty Common… “The First Question to Ask After Any Terror Attack: Was It a False Flag?”

This comes from Washington’s blog, via Jean Haines blog. I’m posting this from Jean’s site. This is a long history of “false flags”, and shows how this has been used as a tool for many militaries and governments. A reminder… … Continue reading

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From Jean Haines 7-31-14… “Veronica Keen says: We were successful!”

Just saw this at Jean’s blog. Looks like great news… [connected to this recent post] ————————————————— Veronica: Gabriel, who is a Director of the Montague Keen Foundation described what he received in meditation: Very interesting — we were successful!!! Gabriel: … Continue reading

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Congressman Louis T. McFadden’s 1934 Speech, “The Federal Reserve – A Corrupt Institution”… The Keenan Team Reports on the Fed Fraud

This is perhaps the most complete description of the Fed, the reasons it was created, and the sinister intent behind its creation, that I have ever read (and no, I’ve not finished this whole thing… yet). And all presented by … Continue reading

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