Tag Archives: Japan

PrepareforChange.net 10-18-18… “Benjamin Fulford: Khashoggi + Gruesome Halloween Tales, October 18, 2018”

I’m listening to this now, and although I do not know all the points he makes here, there are many historical aspects that Benjamin is bringing in about the whole Saudi Arabia, Khashoggi, Japan, Turkey, etc., situation. They also support … Continue reading

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Dr. Michael Salla, Exopolitics.org 2-13-18… “QAnon Corroborates Hawaii Missile Attack & Hunt for Rogue CIA Submarine”

A new article by Dr. Salla relates to two previous ones (posted here and here). I feel he’s covered many important bases and connected many of the points around this incident, demonstrating it’s part of a larger plan. As always … Continue reading

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Dr. Michael Salla, Exopolitics.org 2-3-18… “Was a Space Based Weapons Platform Used Against Hawaii bound Ballistic Missile?”

A new article by Dr. Salla relates to a previous one posted here. Some may be interested in finding out more about this, so this is likely for you. As always with Dr. Salla’s articles, I’m posting 1/3 of the … Continue reading

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Dr. Michael Salla, Exopolitics.org 1-20-18… “The Secret Navy behind the Ballistic Missile Attack on Hawaii”

A new article by Dr. Salla includes some very pertinent references from the past, including a short video of Senator Daniel Inouye (of Hawaii) who pointed out the existence of a shadow government, aka, “Deep State” military (aka, the CIA’s … Continue reading

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Roy Potter 1-17-18… “Missiles, Mad Scientists, and Mad Politicians” (Excellent summary video of what’s going on including the Hawaii/Japan missile alerts!)

This I just listened to (and yes, it currently is 2:22 AM when I finished) and I found it, how shall I say, an “Excellent summary video of what’s going on including the Hawaii/Japan missile alerts!” (where did I see … Continue reading

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Hans Vogel, VT 10-17-15… “Once they’re in, it is hard to get them out”

[Kp note: I mistakenly marked this as a “Jonas Alexis” article, then afterwards realized it was written by Hans Vogel. Apologies for that.] A bit of an exposure article here, plus a reminder about whose military bases are “all over … Continue reading

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RT 5-19-15… “​Marines go home! Scuffles between protesters, police near US base on Okinawa”

[UPDATE: Here is a related RT article from 5-24-15… “1000s form human chain outside Japan parliament over US military base“] It’s no coincidence that two island nations, Okinawa and the Kingdom of Hawai’i, are rising up against the same regime … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 2-13-12…"Controlled implosion of Federal Reserve Board and ECB continuing as planned"

This update from Ben indicates that all is proceeding to remove the cabal heads, and to bring in a new financial system. He also discusses the evidence for the 3-11-11 tsunami and nuclear events being planned and carried out various … Continue reading

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Addendum from Ben Fulford…Nuclear reactors causing Japan radiation build [built] by Rockefeller controlled GE

This was posted today on Ben’s “standard” website, http://benjaminfulford.typepad.com/benjaminfulford/. He also mentions a video comparing David Rockefeller to David Icke. To view it, go to his website. —————————————————- Nuclear reactors causing Japan radiation build [built] by Rockefeller controlled GE It … Continue reading

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We Are in the Times of the Tsunamis…

Currently I sit watching the news as potential tsunami waves head our way. These are the result of the 8.9 magnitude earthquake off the north coast of Japan. This is a physical tsunami (CNN News article). However, it has been … Continue reading

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