Tag Archives: Greg Giles

Greg Giles, Message from the Galactic Federation 1/12/12… "It is time now for you to come back home"

This feels like another potent message via Greg. And there is no doubt that we are right there, on the precipice, of a wonderful ride. “The Galactic Family’s Wild and Wonderful Space Mountain Adventure Ride.” Walt Disney would be proud! … Continue reading

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Greg Giles, Message from the Galactic Federation 1/10/12… "The light is but moments away from clear victory"

This “third-in-three-days” message follows Greg’s “second-in-two-days” channeling (here are links to the “first in one day” and the “second-in-two-days“). This new one by Greg again struck something in my inner home base. And it aligns with many other messages coming … Continue reading

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Greg Giles, Message from the Galactic Federation 1/9/12… "Your experience here is soon to change in most miraculous fashion"

This second-in-two-days channeling (click here for yesterday’s) by Greg again struck something in my inner home base. It sounds as though much will be occurring in the next several days. Today was the 1-9-12, a major paradigm shift (999) is … Continue reading

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Greg Giles…"Message from the Galactic Federation 1/8/12"…"It is necessary to begin making formal announcements of our presence"

This is the first time posting Greg’s channelings of the Galactic Federation. His blog site is http://ascensionearth2012.blogspot.com. As I read this particular post, it hit something strongly within. To me this meant that I needed to post this one. The … Continue reading

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