Tag Archives: Greg Giles

A Kp Note…Consider Sending Light and Love to the One Known as “Greg Giles”

There has been, in my mind, something going on behind the scenes at the AscensionEarth2012.org website, for some time now. I’m not completely sure about all of it. Now he posted this article, and it is so completely “out there”, … Continue reading

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From Steve Beckow 6-19-12…"There’ll Be No Flood and No 'Noah’s Ark'"

My final post for the night is this one, from Steve. If I were to choose one person as a Galactic Reference Librarian, it would be Steve. He often brings out the data from channeled messages from SaLuSa, Matthew, Hatonn, … Continue reading

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Greg Giles message 4-22-12…"The time to answer your call is upon you"

Greg’s message from the Galactics this time appears to cover the nuts and bolts of answers to the question, “Well, here I am… So what am I supposed to do now? What’s my mission?” We each have our place in … Continue reading

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Greg Giles 4-20-12 Message… "All is well, and all is proceeding smoothly and perfectly according to our carefully laid plans"

This Greg message highlights some of the details of what will be a useful approach to the coming events, including the “mass arrests”. The message includes relocations, but more and more I sense that these will be almost inconsequential to … Continue reading

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Greg Giles 4-16-12 Message "We will be in contact with you one way or another in the days ahead"

I’d intended to put this out yesterday. But got involved in other postings. The reason this one rang home was the piece about “telepathic” communication. It’s one of those things we’ve all got, namely, the ability to do it, and … Continue reading

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For the Time Being, I am Holding off on Posting the Greg Giles Messages…

If you wish to continue to check out his posts, they may be viewed here: http://www.ascensionearth2012.blogspot.com/

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Evaluation of the 3-28-12 Greg Giles Ashtar Command Article

In this recent post by Greg Giles for the Ashtar Command, several rather “severe”, “dire”, predictions were made regarding the future of Earth. These included seismic events, the need to relocate, at some point, to “safe zones”, and so on. … Continue reading

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POST REMOVED…Greg Giles 3-28-12, Message from Ashtar Command… "Seismic events, Relocations, Safe Zones"… "Say, What???"

[UPDATE 3-28-12 1837 HST: This particular message is so far out there, that I strongly encourage anyone reading this to use their power of discernment while reading. At this moment in time, it does NOT have a strong ring of … Continue reading

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Greg Giles 3-27-12…"It is almost time for those of you that will be working with us to meet us in person face-to-face"

Highlights Continue into each new day knowing we are that much closer to the completion of our mission and that nothing can stop us from reaching our goal. Try to look at these last days of your current reality as … Continue reading

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Greg Giles 3-26-12…"Your masterpiece is nearly complete"

This particular Greg Giles is full of support and direction for those who are traveling this pathway of Light. There is really so very much here, that I will not repeat it all here. However, the Highlights will help, and … Continue reading

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Greg Giles 3-23-12… One of the Most Important Greg Messages… Ever… "This must be done in the name of the people, and it must be done in the name of your new world"

“The governments of your world are playing a game of quid pro and quid pro quo. (Latin: What for, what for what.) We have given them every opportunity to step down peaceably and offer their assistance in the implementation of … Continue reading

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Greg Giles 3-18-12…"We Are Going to Step Up The Number and Quality of The Sightings of Our Ships"… "This will be a fun time for all of us"

What I perceive in my “Innards” (Inner Spirit) is that the Greg galactic messages are, step-by-step, ramping us up into facing our “tasks” (not crazy about that word) of the next stage of disclosure, and eventually, Ascension. A key sentence, … Continue reading

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Goldman Sachs, the Resignation, Greg Giles Comment, and an "Alien from Mars"… Disclosure by Evidence-Collecting by "the Galactic Commands"?

Was not going to post much today. But when I saw these items, I felt moved to put them up here, together. This Goldman Sachs item feels very significant to me, somehow. All over the news, internet, MSM, RMN, ETC. … Continue reading

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Greg Giles…"Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/13/12"

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/13/12 Fear is not our only task that we must overcome together. There are many other important tasks that must be accomplished, and overcoming fear will allow us to begin working together in … Continue reading

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Greg Giles 3-3-12…"Your world is to be purified of all that is dark"

According to what I “read” from this day’s Greg message, just as in the most recent Greg message, we are indeed right at the edge of the major group of arrests taking place. Also I received a communication today from … Continue reading

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Greg Giles 3-2-12…"A very restricted plan is unfolding"

This message rather speaks for itself. I would say that we are in the near point of the initiation of the new financial system. There are messages I have read on other sites that are communicating similar things. I have … Continue reading

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Greg Giles 3-1-12…"The only way we will achieve victory…is together"

Here are two Greg Giles messages in a row. The key point I saw in this first one was in the quote below. What I would emphasize here is that many of us have found it in our pathway, to … Continue reading

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Greg Giles… "Message from the Ashtar Command 2/22/12"… "Many of you are waiting to see action, and it is action you shall see"

Greg is giving one message per day. I note from his post archives that last few months of 2011 saw perhaps 1 or 2 per week. The higher frequency of the now time may be an indication of all of … Continue reading

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A Double Greg Giles: 2-20-12 and 2-21-12… "Your vibrational frequency has surpassed what we had hoped for at this present time"

There is a lot of information here from Greg, and he messages every day, so I’m putting two together. I’ll have highlights from both just below, and later on is a “Read More” link if you wish to read all … Continue reading

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Greg Giles 2-19-12… An IMPORTANT "Message from the Galactic Federation of Light"… "The mass arrests we have spoken of will begin in earnest"

Why “IMPORTANT”? As I read this, along with several others, and along with the “revving” feeling mentioned in the “Just a Moment While the Engines are Revving“, it actually is striking a chord within that says, yes, indeed, “It’s Go … Continue reading

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Greg Giles 2-18-12… "The countdown has begun…Prepare yourselves for liftoff"

This particular Greg blog caught my attention, particularly in light of the recent post about the “Resigning Bankers”. “We are counting on many of you to see the upcoming arrests of many members of your criminal Cabal as a very … Continue reading

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Greg Giles 2-13-12…"Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/13/12"… "What a great job you are all doing"

Just a short add-on note from me about this very encouraging message through Greg. We have already seen some significant arrests made recently. One, in particular, comes to mind. This was mentioned by David Wilcock in his recent Financial Tyranny … Continue reading

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Greg Giles 2-10-11…"Message from the Galactic Federation of Light"…"We promised you arrests and we will deliver"

I have not felt “the push” to post much of Greg’s messages lately (except for the excerpts yesterday), but this one STOOD OUT for some reason. [One thing about today, around 1130 HST, I felt a grand movement of something. … Continue reading

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Greg Giles Ascension Earth Messages Selections from 2-7,8,9-2012…

I’ve just selected a few paragraphs from Greg’s Latest posts. His blog site is Ascension Earth 2012. Click any of the links to read the entire post at his blog. ————————————————————————— 2-7-12 (from James of GFOL*) At this time we … Continue reading

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Greg Giles 2-2-12…"Message from the Galactic Federation of Light"… " Clear the path for our reunion now"

Have not posted Greg’s messages for a bit, but this one stood out. And I feel this one may spur some of us forward into assisting some of the people on this planet to open up to the possibility of … Continue reading

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Greg Giles, Message from the Galactic Federation 1/20/12… "We are so very excited about these inevitable events that are about to unfold"

The first paragraph of today’s Greg message describes what the Galactic Federation has done to assist Greg in removing negative entities from his sphere. They later on also give us a command we may use to do the same for … Continue reading

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Greg Giles, Message from the Galactic Federation 1/17/12… "Peace is soon to be restored to every corner of your globe"

The part of this that lit up for me was the distinction between ascension, and serving with the Galactic Federation. Basically, service with the Galactic Federation is not a requisite for ascension. The point here being that if Galactic service … Continue reading

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Greg Giles, Message from the Galactic Federation 1/16/12… "Final preparations are being made for disclosure announcements to begin to filter out"

This message from Greg again alerts to the fact that disclosure messages (which I sense have been actually going on for several months now) will be “filtering out” in bits, through smaller media outlets, rather than one big announcement. There’s … Continue reading

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Greg Giles, Message from the Galactic Federation 1/14/12… "We are poised and ready"

Some posts are just posts. Copy, paste, highlight, publish. But a very few elicit (bring forth) a vibration within me that just keeps vibrating. This is one of those. I sense that Greg is here at this time to communicate … Continue reading

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Greg Giles, Message from the Galactic Federation 1/13/12… "Events are prepared to be set into motion"

Another uplifting message from Greg. Highlights This is a period in your experience when you must concentrate on the whole, and this focus will bring about the necessary changes to you also on a personal level. This experience [through duality] … Continue reading

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