Tag Archives: Emmanuel Macron

And We Know VIDEO 9-19-19… “SerialBrain2: Trump’s Big Victories at the G7 – Part 3: The Power of Melania’s Wardrobe”

This AWK video covers Part 3 of the G7 related SB2 articles (related Kp blog link) (decode images, here). I had not really paid attention to this until after the Maui journey, but I felt it was important to keep … Continue reading

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And We Know VIDEO 9-6-19… “SerialBrain2: Trump’s Big Victories at the G7 – Part 2: Trump Freed France from the Cabal!”

[Kp note: pardon, but on the first posting I had the incorrect video link.] This AWK video covers Part 2 of the two G7 related SB2 articles (related Kp blog link) (decode images, here). As with many other AWK’s, I … Continue reading

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And We Know VIDEO 9-4-19… “SerialBrain2: Trump’s Big Victories at the G7 – Part 1: The Battlefield and the Weapons”

This AWK video covers Part 1 of the two G7 related SB2 articles (related Kp blog link) (decode images, here). As before, I found this video interpretation very helpful in illuminating the SB2 post, and understanding the decodes therein. [Kp … Continue reading

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SerialBrain2, 8-31-19… “Trump’s Big Victories at the G7 – Part 2: Trump Freed France from the Cabal!”

This SB2 was preceded by Part 1 (related Kp blog post). The decode images have already been posted, here. This SB2 goes into more detail about how one can determine that Macron has “Awaked” and apparently has accepted the offer … Continue reading

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SerialBrain2, 8-31-19… DECODE IMAGES for “Trump’s Big Victories at the G7 – Part 2: Trump Freed France from the Cabal!”

These are from the latest SB2, part 2 (not yet posted on the Kp blog), and are in order of appearance. I decided to post the decode images before the article itself, as I felt the message from the article … Continue reading

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SerialBrain2, 8-31-19… DECODE IMAGES for “Trump’s Big Victories at the G7-Part 1: The Battlefield and the Weapons”

These are from the latest SB2, part 1 (related Kp blog post), and are in order of appearance. Click each image to view the original. Enjoy this show!

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SerialBrain2, 8-31-19… “Trump’s Big Victories at the G7-Part 1: The Battlefield and the Weapons”

[Kp update note: one of the important points from this SB2 is that it shows the role of both China and the C_A in (Satanic) cabal operations. I believe it is very helpful to understand this. China is like a … Continue reading

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SerialBrain2… Links to four recent posts worth reading (plus And We Know videos for a couple)

Okay, there’s really a lot going on energetically at the moment, and I’m at almost 1 AM and I’m ready to move to the next realm (horizontal, in bed, into the Galactic Realms). But I felt many would have interest … Continue reading

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So what’s going on with this Macron-Trump picture???

During the recent Macron state visit to the US, this image was taken on the White House balcony. I mean… come on, Emmanuel Macron. Looks like two Illuminati hand signals to me. Probably telling his handlers that he’s still loyal … Continue reading

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Richie Allen Show 5-9-17, with Stewart Swerdlow… “Rothschild Man Emmanuel Macron was Groomed By His Wife Who Is Now His Handler””

This is a video I felt “wanted” to be up here. Not only is it an “exposure” of the Macron “election”/selection, but he also presents many aspects of the Trump family, and his statements about Ivanka, et al., that may … Continue reading

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How to (attempt to) Steal an Election, NWO-in-France style… “Send out twice as many ballots for the candidate you want to win, and tear the ballots of the candidate you want to lose”

Wow! It really looks very clear that the election in France was stolen for the “Diacritical Mark” (Macron). How in your face can it get? There it is. This appears to be (at least part of) what happened in France. … Continue reading

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French Elections… The Macron (“Diacritical Mark”) wins… Illuminati Symbolisms (“Marks”) abound!!

[Update: I added a clearer image of Macron below the pyramid with eye (from 09:04).] Apparently the Macron DM (Diacritical Mark) won (was “appointed”?) by a large margin. So along the way today I saw this video (“All seeing eye” … Continue reading

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Lada Ray FT 4-21-17… “The Plot Thickens! Who’ll Win French Presidential Election: Marine Le Pen, Macron, Fillon or Melenchon?”

This article by Lada Ray goes along with this prior Kp blog post. From Lada’s information (and this InfoWars video) it appears that Macron is the “young and dashing” Rothschild shill, who, perhaps similar to Justin Trudeau, may be “A … Continue reading

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RT 4-23-17… “French election 2017: Macron and Le Pen advance to presidential run off” (plus one more) (or, “How do you choose between a writing instrument and a diacritical mark???))

[Kp note: although I’ll likely post this separately at some point, some may wish to read Lada Ray’s read on the French elections, particularly her quantum calibrations of each candidate.] Well, that end bit came after I looked up the … Continue reading

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