Tag Archives: Dr. Masaru Emoto

World Waters Healing Ceremony 3-10-13, with Dr. Masaru Emoto… My Own Experiences… and Thank You All Who Participated

First of all, thanks to all who participated in this event, from wherever you were on the planet. Basically, I cannot say what happened at the point of the healing ceremony with Dr. Emoto, which was Kailua Bay. But my … Continue reading

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Dr. Masaru Emoto Events in Kona, March 8, 9, 10… “World Simultaneous Prayer for Earth’s Waters” on March 10

The message below was written by Yumi Kikuchi, the organizer (along with Gen Morita) for Dr. Emoto’s visit this year to the Big Island. ————————————————————————— [From Yumi] Dr. Emoto has been so popular wherever he goes. So many people in … Continue reading

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“Dr. Masaru Emoto” in Kona, Sunday, March 3, 7-9 PM, Aloha Theater

[Kp note for this posting: It’s this weekend for those who wish to come to Hilo or Kona and participate in Dr. Emoto’s “Love & Gratitude Can Heal You and the Earth” presentation. Another reason this event is particularly special, … Continue reading

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“Dr Masaru Emoto in Hawaii”, March 2 (Hilo) & 3 (Kona)

[Kp note for this posting: It’s this weekend for those who wish to come to Hilo or Kona and participate in Dr. Emoto’s “Love & Gratitude Can Heal You and the Earth” presentation. Another reason this event is particularly special, … Continue reading

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“Dr Masaru Emoto in Hawaii”, March 2 (Hilo) & 3 (Kona)

[Kp note: I am posting this again, as the event draws near, because I sense that this is a Gaia uplifting event, specifically timed for the awakening of humanity, in this Now moment. Many events of various kinds are aligning … Continue reading

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For Big Island Residents… “Dr Masaru Emoto’s Lecture in Hawaii”, March 2 (Hilo) & 3 (Kona)

Dr. Masaru Emoto will appear on the Big Island in early March. Those who have not heard him will likely be amazed at his scientific studies of the connection between water, consciousness and healing. For more information, and to purchase … Continue reading

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