Tag Archives: Dome of the Rock

Another Great Video of “UFO at Dome of the Rock”

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jczjyV4v3i0&w=500] Another excellent video of the UFO Appearance at Dome of the Rock. You can really see the flash in this one. Sent by “mulkis”. Thank you, mulkis!!

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Remarkable UFO Appearance at Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, 1-28-11…

I discovered these videos at The 2010 Scenario. They are remarkable, striking, and dramatic. I had to post them here. The images here are from screen shots I took from the third video. Top two are of the stationary light … Continue reading

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Poofness Report 1-30-11…”No human can stop universal physics”

Included with this message was a video link, which I have placed at the bottom of this post. According to this message, the dark siders have tried their best to delay changes.But are failing. Here is a quote… “People too … Continue reading

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