Tag Archives: Destroying the Illusion

Sather Illumination Channel (aka, “Destroying the Illusion”) 6-18-17… “Explaining Free Energy, Time Travel, and Antigravity with the Reciprocal Systems Theory” (and a guy named “Dewey”)

Excellent teaching summary of all these points. This why I love Jordan’s works. Keeps it simple, admits he does not know it all, lists references, and enJOYs what he’s doing! . [youtube=https://youtu.be/NVIEhqdvMCo&w=550] https://youtu.be/NVIEhqdvMCo Published on Jun 18, 2017 Attempting to … Continue reading

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News from the “Sather Illumination Channel” for 6-15-17… “Scalise Shooting, New Wikileaks Drops, #DNCfraud Lawsuit Lawyers Murdered??”

[Kp update: two videos from SGT Report validate what Jordan found about the Rep. Scalise shooting: short one; full one.] . [youtube=https://youtu.be/qCmySBiZXVA&w=600] https://youtu.be/qCmySBiZXVA Published on Jun 15, 2017 Your #RealerNews for June 15th, 2017 Today’s Sources: HackerNews: “Wikileaks Unveils “CherryBlossom … Continue reading

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A Bit of “Sather News” 6-3-17… “6.3 – Seth Rich Updates, MSM Goes Full Anti-Hillary, Critiquing Mainstream Science”

I watched this, and enjoyed the mind-expanding approach to his news presentation. Jordan’s an illuminator, for sure!! And I feel much more drawn to watching him than say, Alex Jones… . [youtube=https://youtu.be/En-VTreZMTs&w=600] https://youtu.be/En-VTreZMTs

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Jordan Sather 5-29-17… “More Antarctic Anomalies, Trump Fires Leakers, Seth Rich Continued…”

I’m posting this as it was the first thing I watched today. I enjoy Jordan’s presentation of the news items he finds. And, yes, he was at CITD… and no, I did not meet him there in person. Perhaps that … Continue reading

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Hold the Light FOR Syria and Hold Syria IN the Light, 4 of 3… “A Whole LOAD of items about the Syria situation some may wish to read (and/or ignore)”

These are a few of the 5,254,789 videos and/or articles I’ve viewed or read. See how these resonate, and feel free to read, view, listen, or ignore. No matter what is here, I repeat that I do feel at this … Continue reading

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Jordan Sather 4-2-17, “Government Oversight Committee Now Officially Investigating CDC Whistleblower!” VIDEO (and it has to do with exposing CDC vaccine fraud)

This is an excellent and concise (so no excuse for not listening) video by Jordan on what’s happening in the exposure of the CDC and vaccine fraud. He mentioned something coming up (TV show?) about all this, beginning April 12, … Continue reading

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Jordan Sather, Destroying the Illusion 3-16-17… “Is David Wilcock a lying sack of disinformation, or is he an all-knowing harbinger of truth?”

[Kp update: btw DW posted this on his FB page, and added these comments: “Someone just sent me this video from Jordan Sather… and he totally gets it. I am not concerned with the hate as anyone who has any … Continue reading

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Jordan Sather, Full Disclosure Now 2-21-17… “Antarctica – FDN Community Intel Report by Jordan Sather”

Some may be interested in this video from Jordan (Jay) Sather. I have had this “mind movement” for a few days that it was time to post this. I feel Jordan is one of those who have come to this … Continue reading

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