Tag Archives: Daesh

David A. Graham, The Atlantic 8-11-16… “Trump’s Latest Accusation: Obama ‘Founded ISIS'”

Found this on the latest False Flag Weekly News links page. As I may have mentioned before, I am not endorsing Donald Trump or any other candidate. I am endorsing the exposure (apocalypse) of the truth. It appears that Mr. … Continue reading

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RT 4-29-16… “In the Name of the Profit: New RT documentary exposes dirty oil secrets, ISIS cozy ties with Turkey”

More exposure of what has been going on with Daesh (ISIS), Turkey, and oil. ” Exclusive eye witness reports and documents, abandoned by retreating jihadists and found by RT Documentary crew members in a region liberated by Syrian Kurds, point … Continue reading

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RT 1-3-16… “‘You created [Daesh]!’ Press conference scandal mars Kerry’s visit to Italy” (sorry, I call that a Highlight!)

Mr. Kerry is finding that people have “waked up” to what’s been going on. No “marring” (damaging) going on here… just wakings up. —————————————————– ‘You created ISIS!’ Press conference scandal mars Kerry’s visit to Italy US Secretary of State John … Continue reading

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ITCW 12-17-15… “Obama “Surrender” To Putin Throws US Media Into “Complete Meltdown””

I found this somewhere on my Facebook news feed (ITCW = Inspire to Change World), and if the information here is correct, this would be a (the?) major change we have been waiting for… the “cabal” (aka, USA CORP) backing … Continue reading

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VT 12-12-15… [Daesh (aka ‘isil’, ‘isis’) is] “a criminal gang working with the CIA, Mossad, Saudis and Turks with Qatari officers and lots of Ukrainian and American arms”

The title above is the prime reason I’m posting one paragraph from this article, which reports on all of the “war things” that are going on in Syria. But like very few other sites, VT writers tend to “blow the … Continue reading

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Sputnik News 12-4-15… “State Department Mulls Scaling Back Anti-Daesh Propaganda Program”

I’m posting this for a couple reasons. First it shows the absurdity of having such a program (and considering the millions of dollars spent on it and the reviews of it (yes, we DO have to fund Google and Twitter, … Continue reading

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Two RT’s and a VT about the “Daesh”-Turkey-Syria Situation [VIDEOs added]

[Update: Jean Haines posted two Dahboo777 videos and, yes, there apparently were drills going on in the area when the shootings occurred, and two days before. VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2.] Just a title and a couple of highlights each tells … Continue reading

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About this “Daesh” Term… Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh, Common Space 7-6-15, “Why using ‘Daesh’ instead of ‘Islamic State’ is an important part of the anti-extremism fight”

I’m posting this as this was mentioned by Cobra in his last update, to refrain from using the IS (Islamic State) and ISIS to acronym the terrorist organization (which, of course, was started (or at least condoned) by John McCain … Continue reading

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