Tag Archives: Crimea

Benjamin Fulford 11-27-18… “Emergency alert: North Koreans warn of Zionist plan to start WWIII in Korea and Crimea”

Pretty direct and to the point. Many reports I’ve viewed have made a note of the Ukraine government incurring into Russia (Russian waters), but in this BF alert his sources point to something “bigger” in the works. My view, like … Continue reading

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In Honor of Crimea 2014… (and my waking up to how USA-NATO CORP tries to do “regime change”)… my favorite Enjoykin VIDEO (plus 2 other Enjoykin favorites)

Enjoykin is a video producer in Russia (I presume, since all his videos are in Russian). In 2014 he came out with a video centered on newly appointed Crimea chief prosecutor, Natalya Poklonskaya (related Kp blog post). I was just … Continue reading

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A Couple of Lada Rays… “Putin Schools Merkel on Geopolitics” (5-3-17) and “Fake News vs Truth: … How the West Sabotages Crimea” (4-30-17) (and the NEW ESR 18 is out, baby!!)

I had a sense it was time for some Europe-Russia-Crimea type news, and I’ve been receiving updates from Lada Ray, so I’m quite sure she has her fingers on the pulse. I especially enjoyed reading the article about Crimea (and, … Continue reading

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A ‘Trimea’ for Crimea 3 of 3… Fort Russ 3-13-16… “How Russia Ruined American Plans in Crimea”

I believe I found this at Ku Ching’s FB page (remember him? Here’s a Kp blog post; video playlist). Very unveiling about THE USA CORP’s real intentions for Crimea, and surely was part of the reason that same CORP fomented … Continue reading

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A ‘Trimea’ for Crimea 2 of 3… Lada Ray 3-18-16… “#Sevastopol #Krim #Rossia: 2nd Anniversary of Crimea’s Reunification with Russia”

Always appreciate Lada Ray’s perspective and data points, particularly about Russia and what’s really happening in Europe. “Following the February Ukraine coup, on March 16th, 2014, Crimeans voted overwhelmingly to secede from Ukraine and reunite with Russia. 95% to 97% … Continue reading

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A ‘Trimea’ for Crimea 1 of 3… RT 3-18-16… “Mass rallies, fireworks, Putin visits: Crimea marks second anniversary of reunification with Russia”

A very significant event for this planet, was the choice of Crimea to return to Russia. Perhaps one excellent side-benefit was that it really “messed up” THE USA CORP’s plan to have “their own” naval base there (see part 3). … Continue reading

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Futurist Trendcast 2-13-16… “How Crimea Was Transferred to Ukraine, Soviet Gold Standard and Khrushchev’s Folly”

It is now being “discovered” that a lot of our histories are actually, in reality, “histories”… in quotes meaning that the “histories” many have learned in the standard history books, texts, TV shows, documentaries, are simply made up, or slanted … Continue reading

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RT 1-1-16… “Crimeans vote to give up electricity contract with Ukraine even if it means more power cut-offs”

This kind of stood out as something that demonstrates how one former occupying power (Ukraine) will try to “sneak in” something that will go against the desires of the people. This was done (and still is) in Hawaii, and it … Continue reading

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“Things” Seem to be Breaking Loose… Futurist Trendcast Updates, “Ukraine Blows Up Power Lines, Leaving Crimea… Without Electricity” and “Turkey Down[s] Russian Su-24 Jet in Syria”

[Update: Interestingly, I was just watching an NCIS episode where the power was turned off in Washington DC, due to a “terrorist” event. Synchronicity, anyone?] This is a major “break” in standard “planetary cabal BS” operations. Russia and Putin will … Continue reading

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Via Lada Ray 4-27-15… “Crimea: The Way Home”, VIDEO(s)

I’m currently watching this, and finding myself drawn into this story. There is much more to it than I had ever imagined. If you do not feel drawn to watch this now, it may be one to hold in your … Continue reading

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Miguel Francis (an LA film school graduate)… "Crimea For Dummies" (RT Documentary) VIDEO

[youtube=https://youtu.be/xURFKxliGh8&w=500] https://youtu.be/xURFKxliGh8 Found this at Lada Ray’s site. This may be an effective one to show those who think Russia “conquered” and “occupied” Crimea. Definitely addresses the disinformation put out there by the western/NATO/US type media. Published on Mar 22, … Continue reading

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TASS 3-17-15… "Majority of Crimea citizens one year after referendum do not regret joining Russia"

This is something from TASS about Crimea that felt appropriate to post here. Before I add some highlights, I invite you to also read this Sputnik News article from one of our “partners in contrast” (aka “cabal”, aka “Let’s keep … Continue reading

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Celebration of Crimea… One Year Ago Today, 96.77 percent of voters chose to rejoin Russia…

This is a historic day, in my mind. So I would like to celebrate with a re-posting of the video with Natalia Poklonskaya, Crimea’s chief prosecutor. There were a few posts on this blog about her (1, 2, 3), and … Continue reading

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