Tag Archives: Calleman

Carl Johan Calleman 11-19-11… "The Ninth wave Continues after October 28, 2011!"… "And…“grind” the new unity consciousness into existence"

This article is a subsequent piece to Calleman’s 11-8-11 article. So if you were not confused before, maybe this article will help add confusion (not really). But “confusion” may be only because we are working our way out of the … Continue reading

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Carl Johan Calleman 11-8-11…"The Mayan Calendar has come to an End"… "Unity consciousness manifests primarily in the absence of relationships of dominance"

A recent article by Carl just popped in yesterday to my attention field. After reading it yesterday, I felt there were several points that would be helpful to many of us. So I highlighted a few bits. Perhaps the strongest … Continue reading

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Denise Le Fay, 8-22-11…Comments on the Calleman, Night Five

Here is what Denise had to say about Calleman’s article about te Fifth Night, which was posted here,.at this link. Many of her notes about the money align with what I have been sensing as well. ————————————————————————— Night Five by … Continue reading

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Carl Johan Calleman…"The Fifth night of the Ninth wave"

[from Kauilapele: as I sit here by this naupaka at javaontherock.com (and btw I get no commissions or free coffee from this place; I just love it here), had a strong movement to publish this latest Calleman.com article about the … Continue reading

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Carl Johan Calleman, 7-13-11…The beginning of the Fourth night of the Ninth Wave of the Mayan calendar system

This particular Calleman article discusses the importance of this fourth night as a preparation period for the subsequent fifth day, which is a period of awakening for all of us. It outlines how the collapse of this current world economic … Continue reading

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Carl Johan Calleman, June 23, 2011…”Comets Honda and Elenin fulfill Mayan, Hopi and Christian Prophesies as the Mayan calendar approaches its end on October 28, 2011″

This came out a few days ago, but I feel now it is the time (for me, at least) to publish this article by Carl Calleman, He goes into the meaning of Comets Honda and Elenin as they are related … Continue reading

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Carl Johan Calleman, May 22, 2011…”The Third day of the Ninth Wave (Universal Underworld) and the World Oneness Revolution”

This is the article I mentioned in the previous post. Mr. Calleman brings up what I consider to be some helpful insights for all of us headed in the “upward” direction. I’ve put a few highlights below. The only part … Continue reading

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